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uniform life

THE MEDICAL bay, the new home to the tortured rescued victors

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THE MEDICAL bay, the new home to the tortured rescued victors. All three in solidarity again, their own white room. And each time Thana awakens, she needs to remind herself that she is not in the Capitol. It has not been silent ever since the captivated victors have been rescued from the Capitol. Peeta's situation and status in 13 doesn't do him any good either. Rohan doesn't allow her to enter Peeta's room, even though she and Johanna are the ones who heard him scream every day and night. She has seen him, together with Rohan and Haymitch. But both men forced her back to the medical bay when she just mentioned talking to him, to Peeta. The blond looks like a prisoner again, and even when she knows they are now at a safer space, parallels from the Capitol can be drawn. This place doesn't scream that they are so much better than the Capitol, even with their distaste for them Thana can tell that they are more the same then they want to.

Instead of colours everywhere, they have grey muted tones. No ridiculous outfits, but all the same boring overalls, as if they are the coal workers she saw in district 12 during Latif's victory tour. She misses the orange and yellow hues from district 9, she misses the love from home. Thana doesn't want to be in this cold space that is vacant from love, the only love being behind closed doors or between the newcomers. Above all, she misses her family, her parents, her sisters, niece, and nephew, and most importantly her brother.


"How are you doing today, Miss Jardin," the guy dressed in a doctor's uniform asks the girl. District 13 had learned quite fast that a woman in a doctor's uniform and a man besides Boggs in a dark uniform would send the victor into a state of pure panic.

Thana shrugs, hating to be asked this question daily. "I am fine," she simply answers.

The doctor shakes his head, "the nurses from this morning say that you woke up from another nightmare. Did that have no impact on you?"

"I awake daily from nightmares," Thana states, "I am fine." She hugs herself with her arms.

"You were screaming, Miss Jardin," the doctor tries to break Thana's protective walls. "No one was able to come close to you, you hit a nurse." He gets no reaction from the girl, "Rohan had to sedate you after all of that." The man gently says.

"He wouldn't," the girl looks at the doctor with a murderous glare, her hands trilling again.

The doctor looks up for a second, "we want to help you, Miss Jardin." He gets up from his chair besides her bed. "We can't if you don't share, we want you to safely enter the daily life we have here in our district. I am sure you can understand that from district 9."

"District 13 and my home are nothing alike," Thana sneers, "and even suggesting so, shows your ignorance and the effect that the lack of sunlight has on all of you."

With that the man leaves the girl alone again, this session ending even worse than some others. No, the girl didn't tell anyone about what happened at the Capitol, or even the effect of the arena on her mind. Nothing did help at all, and Coin was at a loss of how to handle both Thana and Johanna who seemed to be very reluctant to share anything.

"Hey Thana," Rohan enters not long after the doctor left, "heard you insulted Doctor Brown again." He sighs softly, "We went over this, darling, he wants to help you."

Thana huffs at her mentor, "he told me you sedated me, is that true?" A hopeless expression on her face mixed with distrust.

Rohan sists down on her bed, taking her hand in his own, "they asked me to and seeing you in such fright I thought I would maybe help you a little, so I did sedate you yes."

"Am I that much of a danger?" the girl looks absolutely broken, tears begging to escape her eyes as she sniffs. She leans her head against Rohan's shoulder, letting her body tremor against his.

Rohan strokes her hair out of her face, "no, I don't think so." He kisses her head, "they just want to help you, and thought this was a way to relieve you from some pain." His voice is soft as he tries to comfort her, "you can talk, you know?" he rests his head on Thana's, "I will always be here to listen to you."

"I can't," Thana mummers against his shirt, "I don't know how to."

Rohan draws soft circles on Thana's back, "I will be by your side. I can even make sure you and Johanna will go together tomorrow. Would you like that?"

Thana looks up at her most trusted person after Johanna. "Yes," she says, "is it tomorrow already?" Rohan nods, "that sucks." The girl shakes her head. "Why do we have to do this again?"

Rohan chuckles lowly at her antics, "President Coin want to know what the Capitol did to you and evaluate what you can do here in district 13." A harsh look appears in his eyes, "she is going to base your value to her on stupid things. But you have value, always. Even if that woman deems you incompetent for whatever her rebellion plans are nowadays."

"I am never getting out of this, am I?" Thana questions rhetorically, "as long as this rebellion is going or when the Capitol wins, I am fucked, as is our family." There is no secret that the two district 9 victors see and love each other as if they are family, because to them they simply are. Not in blood, but through the circumstances and their horrifying games. Maybe the best thing to ever to happen to Rohan was that Thana was reaped and became his tribute.

"Nothing will stop us from fighting," Rohan muses, "and I hope we win soon, because it would suck if you missed the birth of your sister's baby."

Thana smiles sadly at that, "I almost forgot that already," she shakes her head, "but she isn't too far along yet, I bet we have quite some months before we can meet them." She wipes away a single tear, "and I am sure Latif will watch over them all."

"He didn't deserve his faith," Rohan hugs Thana, "neither of you did, and I think daily about the fact that I should've volunteered no matter what we decided."

"It is okay this way," Thana finally lets her tears fall, "I miss him dearly, but don't punish yourself for it. We loved him, he loved us; no need to blame ourselves for something that is the Capitol's and President Snow's fault."


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