Chapter 5 - More Shops

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The wand that I held in my hand was of a dark wood with what appeared to be a green snake wrapping around the wand all the way to the top. The eyes of the snake held emerald gems within them. The length of the wand was twelve inches and it self smooth in my grasp. I smiled feeling a sense of clarity and excitement while holding the wand. I watched as Olivander looked skeptically at me with distant eyes. Was something wrong with the wand I was holding?, was there something I wasn't aware of?

"Come on Harry we should get going we still have two stops left" I said eyeing Olivander as we left

I left Harry to go to the pet shop where I was met with Draco and some girl.

"Hello Draco" I said

The girl looked at me and scoffed while Draco smiled and waved.

"Hi I'm trinity, and you are" I said

"Pansy Parkinson, Draco's future wife" she said with a wide smile

"Oh interesting you think your going to marry him in the future what if you find someone better" I teased Draco

"Who says there is someone better" Draco scoffed

"Don't worry dray I'm only teasing" I laughed

I turned back towards Pansy with a smile, she wasn't ugly but she had an animal like face. Reminded me of a pug actually, but I decided not to comment on her appearance.

"Nice meeting you Pansy, I hope to see you at school, I should find a pet now" I said and walked off before she could say anything else

I smiled to myself as I looked through the lot of animals. I wanted another pet, even if Remus wasn't going to like to because luci was back at the house. Well my snake couldn't come to Hogwarts with me so maybe a cat would do. I looked around until a fur of a orangish brown color caught my eye. She looked adorable so I grabbed the cage and payed then left the shop to find Harry. Only to sigh in sadness as I watched his retreating figure walking beside hagrid. I was rather upset he left me, but maybe he had a reason. I brushed it off and headed home so I could gather my other items before it was time for Hogwarts.

"Remus, Tonks I'm back" I called out only to be met with nothing

It was typical, both worked their own jobs and I was often left to my own. I walked to my room and grabbed my trunk before I used wandless magic to fit things inside. I was rather advanced when it came to wandless magic because I often practice that way. Tonight was the night I would have to drink that stupid potion and cast the spell to become an animegus. I wasn't to tell anyone especially not Remus or Tonks for that matter. So with them not here I decided to head to my spot where I would take the potion. When I got to the spot it was getting dark which meant perfect timing. I knew Tonks would freak out if I wasn't home so I left a note before leaving. That was if they got back before I did which might be unlikely at best.

They usually worked late and then went out for food and then came home by a late time at best. As the moon began to take hold I took the potion did the spell and waited as I felt it take hold. It hurt at first, the transition to a new form as it took hold of me. I felt myself changing and soon I was on four legs, was I a dog? what was I? Then I remembered the mirror I set up for this very question. I stumbled over to it and noticed a beautiful dark brown wolf staring into the mirror. I was bigger than I thought in this form and soon I did as the steps said. I felt my body changing back and soon my normal green eyes stared back at me in the mirror. Fully clothed which was to be expected I grinned turned back to wolf form and ran home.

With excitement fueling my pace to get home faster and then turned back to human form. I jumped excitedly as I rushed inside but took note they weren't home yet. I grabbed my written note and tossed it in the waste bin before heading to bed. I smiled to myself as I closed my eyes and drifted off into a light sleep. Unfortunately I was woken by nightmares of the night my parents died. I remembered that very night, the night Voldemort killed mum in front of me and Harry. I remember him only pointing his wand towards Harry and looked at me with curiosity in his eyes.

"You'll be of use in the future my dear" he said

It was the same words every damn time and I don't know how I remember it so clearly. I gasped and sat up searching my room but was met with the familiar setting of home. I looked outside and saw it was sunrise and that meant September first was a day closer.

"Trinity breakfast" Tonks called out

I hurried, got dressed then skipped down the steps for some food. All I could think about was my animegous from and what it would feel like to run more. Although I'd have to keep it a secret for longer even if it meant hiding it from the ministry. I knew a few people who were animegous, that was included with Remus's friends. Sirius black and Peter Pettigrew were both unregistered animegous. And it's dangerous to not register oneself as such, but it was also helpful if few people knew about you. I wanted to announce it to someone or anyone, but it was best to not do so.

Authors note -

I know that your technically only taught about it during third year but let's pretend she can do it now. I need it that way for various reasons that you will find out about shortly.

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