Chapter 8 - Evil Potter

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I couldn't help but fall asleep instantly last night after getting into bed. When I woke up both pansy and Daphne weren't awake just yet. I took this opportunity to get a shower in and got ready then headed to the common room. It being Saturday I didn't want to wake the girls earlier than they had to be up. Breakfast would start shortly so before that I will wake them up so they have time to get ready and still be able to eat. When I entered the common room I saw Tom sitting by the fire reading a book.

"Morning Tom" I said and sat beside him

"Hello little snake" he said with a grin

"Why you reading about chaos magic, and horcrux, did you know that a horcrux takes a piece of your soul in order to make" I said spitting facts

"Hmm, I rather didn't know that, thank you for your insight little snake" he said

"Anytime Tom, oh and if you make the horcrux's just know it won't make you look pretty" I said

"I rather like my looks so thanks for the advice" he smirked

I nodded and with that headed towards the great hall for some food. Although I wanted to get to know Harry the only problem is he's a Gryffindor and Ronald has convinced him that Slytherin is bad or evil. So if he is as gullible as he seems then the believe whatever Ronald Weasley fucking says. Only if he'd been raised with me then he'd, no not even he would still be prejudiced just as Remus is. When I got to the great hall I pulled out a piece of parchment and my quill to write a letter before eating.

"Dear Remus and Tonks,

I am sending this letter to you so you can know that I have been sorted into Slytherin. I am super excited for the year to take place and hope to share my experiences when I return home. I must tell you I met Harry as well, not as kind to me as I'd hoped. Poor boy didn't know I existed which is rather rude of those people he lives with. Anywho I must get ready for the day and I hope to hear from you soon.

Sincerely yours,
Trinity Lily Potter"

With that I folded it, sealed it and put the letter into the hands of my owl. Jenny was the owl who would be delivering the letter to Remus and Tonks. I do hope they are happy about what house I was sorted into, oh I can't wait to hear from them. I began eating some food when Harry entered with that stupid girl hermione granger and Ronald Weasley. I was just about finished and I heard over towards them in a flash.

"Harry good to see you again" I smiled

"I can't talk right now" Harry said

"Why not?" I asked

"He can't talk to the likes of you" Ronald said

"But I'm his sister, surly I can speak to him and besides why can't I" I said

"Your a Slytherin" Hermione huffed

"Oh I see" I said softly trying not be show how badly that hurt

"Your definitely evil at best" Ronald sneered

"I just would have thought since I'm your sister you never met that you'd enjoy getting to know me as I do you" I said

"As if" hermione said

"No one is talking to you Granger" I hissed

"See as I said evil" Ronald said

I felt my magic getting stronger as my emotions got the best of me, but I tried to remember what Tonks told me. I tired to calm down and stay that way as Remus had taught me, but with each word they said towards me. With each jab I felt my anger rising and the magic the chaos rising inside.

"I'm not evil based off the house I am in, you can't define me or anyone as evil until proven so" I hissed

"Look at the facts evil potter, the one who should not be named was evil, Salazar Slytherin was evil, Merlin went crazy and turned evil, want me to continue" Ronald said

"Oh and what about Sirius black hmm, he was a Gryffindor and he's in Azkaban for murder" I snapped

"That's one person" Ronald said

"I shall direct this next question towards Harry and him alone, do you Harry James potter think Mr Trinity Lily potter your twin to be of evil nature?" I asked

He didn't reply, of course he didn't answer my question and that's all it took for me to know. To know I was alone, that everyone else I would try and befriend would feel the same. Would Fred and George feel that way?, would Remus and Tonks feel that way too?.

"Well then, I should head out dare I say see you around" I said

I stepped aside let them go to their table and turned to exist the great hall. I didn't do it, I didn't break in front of them I didn't use my chaotic magic when angry. But I felt my animegus wanting free, the new form inside me scratched at the surface. Begging to be shown, but I couldn't and as I fought it I felt all of it. I looked down dropping to the floor outside the common room. My nails dug against the floor my eyes flashing yellow my wolf side wanting free. It wasn't going to end, I began panting as I tried to fight it until I smelt it. Two different scents coming down the hall from the corner. They both smelt absolutely amazing, instantly feeling calmness wash over me. They appeared and rushed when they saw me on the ground.

"What happened?" Theo asked

"Are you ok?" Regulus asked

"I'm better now, but I almost lost control" I said softly

"Of what?" Theo asked

"You can't tell but i think the animegus spell I did sort of worked but sort of did something wrong to me" I said

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