Chapter 16 - Quidditch Match

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The game started off well, with us in the lead and Ravenclaw falling into the deep end of losing. It wasn't until I felt a sharp pain because of my mate getting hurt did I become angry. Theo was hit with a bulger and I was far from okay with the outcome. He was injured and it made me fill with anger and worry also wanting to run onto the pitch and start a fight. Although he got back up much bruised might I add then Reggie got hit and I was livid.

"I'll fucking hurt them" I snapped

"What's gotten into you, your so protective over those two" Daphne asked

"Can't you see they are injured because of those bloody bird assholes" I hissed

"She's right, you've been really attached to them for a long time and the possessive nature and protectiveness only got worse since last year" Pansy said

"Their my mates" I hissed

It didn't resonate with me on what I said until I heard them gasp.

"Wait soulmates seriously" Pansy asked

"Shit, umm I'll explain later but yeah" I said as I pushed through the crowd to greet them on their win

I rushed down from the stands seeing as we won this match against Ravenclaw. To find my boys and give them kisses for their congratulations gift. When I saw them I noticed some girl flirting with Reggie who was hurt. I filled with rage why was she touching him, he's mine, why was he letting her. Upon noticing me Theo nudged Reggie and I turned on my heals and ran. I don't know why I would question their loyalty, but after everything it hurt so badly. Reggie's voice filled my ears as I ran faster and eventually I shifted. I was so upset I shifted and ran through the forest eventually getting lost. I was so upset I didn't remember what direction I came from or where I was. I raised my head and howled to hopefully signal to someone or anyone of my location.

I crouched down and lay on my stomach curled up for a while until I was no longer alone. No longer alone seeing as two poachers stood in front of me with a grin.

"Look at that fur, how much can we get for that wolf" one said

I stood and growled at them, I wasn't just a wolf I was a witch too. They couldn't possibly keep me or skin me of my fur, could they. I surly hoped not as I began to fight against them when they injected me with something. Something that made me extremely tired and I wobbled to the side with a whimpered.

"Hey leave her alone" a voice said

"It's a girl, how do you know" a second voice asked

"She's ours" a third voice said

I whimpered and before I completely faded to deep sleep I saw Reggie, Theo, Blaze, Daphne, pansy, Tom, Matteo, Draco, Enzo and snape looking at them and me. I wobbled towards them and then fell into Theo's grasp before everything went dark.

Theo's POV

"Get off him" I snapped and grabbed Reggie to pulling him from the girl

"Shit we need to find her" Reggie said

"Yeah and explain what the fuck you just did back there" I hissed

"Nothing I tried to get her to shut up but she wouldn't listen" he said

Then we heard it, the howl and it sent us to our knees as we gripped our heads.

"She's trying to call to us" Reggie said as he stood once more

"She told us, now let's go find her" Pansy said

"Told you what" I asked

"About the soulmate thing, she said she'd explain more later then she went to find you and now this" Daphne said

"Oh so you all know then" Reggie asked

"Right now isn't the time, poachers are out there at this time of night" snape said

"Great she's in wolf form and in danger" I hissed

"Let's go get your guys girl" Blaze said with a smirk

We all rushed after where we thought she had gone plus snape was with us. When we arrived we got there just in time as poachers were about to take her in wolf form. We fought with them as she fell into my arms shifting back filling clothes. They saw this and noticed she was a witch and ran from us all in fear. She wasn't your average witch and she wasn't just a werewolf she was more. It was a good thing she wasn't an average wolf or that injection given to her would have knocked her out faster. I picked her up and carried her back towards the castle and to her dorm. She wouldn't need to go to the infirmary she was already fighting the sleeping medicine.

"Shouldn't she go to the infirmary?" Pansy asked as she caught up with me and Reggie

"No her wolf is healing as we speak so whatever they injected her with won't last much longer" Reggie said

I felt her stir in my arms and grip onto my shirt with a soft whimper of pain or whatever it was. I knew she was starting to wake up but I kept holding her close until we got to her dorm room. Once we were inside and that included me, trinity, Reggie, pansy and Daphne as well. I set her down on the bed and she began to stir more letting us all know she was waking up. It was weird knowing she could shift back to be fully clothed but it was also interesting too. Not many people can say they not only know do they know a hybrid. Not only do you know a witch wolf hybrid and the fact she can turn back and forth without tearing her clothes. But your also mated to her no one can say that not many people at best, but that's exactly the point.

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