Chapter 13 - Soulmates

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"How would they know if you don't tell them?" Reggie asked

"It's a good question I'm not sure, Dumbledore said they would feel it or something" I said

"We should get some sleep, talk more later" Theo said

"Yeah sure" I said and headed to bed after bidding them a goodnight

I didn't sleep much that night, why didn't they get the hint. I knew who my soulmates were but they were oblivious to it. And I wondered how long it would take for them to come to the realization it was them.

Time skip

Time flew by faster than I imagined it would and soon I was meant to be heading home for break. But unlike most people I wasn't returning home, the letter poppy gave me before coming back to school. It was a letter informing me they would be far too busy to celebrate anything with me such as Christmas for example.

"Mother loves you, so why not come with me for Christmas break" Draco said

"I don't want to ruin your break dray, just don't worry about me ok" I said

"If you insist" he said

"You can always come with me, although my little sister Astoria might be a bother" Daphne said

"It's ok I'm going to be alright I swear" I said and waved my friends goodbye

"I'm staying" Reggie said

"I will too, I'd rather not be home for the holidays plus father is busy as it is" Theo said

"If this is for my sake then don't worry about me" I insisted

"You know why I'd rather be here" Reggie said softly

"Ok just us three in the whole Slytherin common room for break then" I smiled

"I figured it out you know" Reggie said as we sat on the couch

"What?" I asked softly confused

"You said or implied you knew who your soulmates are" Reggie said

"We know who" Theo said

"It's us" Reggie said

I blushed deeply and nodded in acknowledgment of their answer.

"Why didn't you just say it?" Theo asked

"Because I didn't want you to feel obligated to love me, or be with me because of a bond we shared" I said

"Trinity we feel it you know" Reggie said

"I know, but was it from the forced spell" I said softly to myself

"It doesn't matter does it?" Theo asked

"What if you wanted to love someone else, I just stopped that from happening" I said

" didn't, you couldn't possibly have stopped it from happening" Reggie said

And in that moment I knew, I knew they would always be there for me to love me and take care of me.

Big time skip

Things with Harry haven't been easier nor has things with Remus and Tonks. It's nearly the start of third year now and Sirius is out of Azkaban. Reggie is nervous about that and I tired to comfort him but I can only do so much. What I mean is that Sirius black has escaped Azkaban and is roaming around the wizarding world. I knew Reggie was nervous about it all especially he worried about me. I had to reassure him that I didn't entirely blame Sirius for the death of my parents. More so their own stupidity rather, but regulus was still worried for his brothers sake and mine.

Over the break I've gotten prettier I can't lie about that. My body shaped itself and now I have big breast that are round and a nice ass. You can't lie about stuff like that when you yourself notice it all. My hair has somewhat grown lighter sort of at least, and my eyes are darker than before. I was going to the train station soon and so I fixed myself in the mirror to see everything. My curves were nice and in the right places, I wasn't much taller than before. I was still around at least five foot two but no bigger. And beyond that I couldn't wait to see Reggie and Theo again. I had secretly lettered them and visited them when I taught myself to apperate. I showed them my wolf form quite often over this summer and they too have grown. Theo and Reggie are beyond attractive even more than they were before.

But lately I've noticed Remus and Tonks going off places and maybe they aren't telling me because they don't trust me. It doesn't matter to really it's just odd to see and what not. But this year Remus is unfortunately going to be a teacher at Hogwarts. He's going to be teaching DADA this year and I'm not rather excited about it either. He was the only one willing to take the spot as teacher when Dumbledore asked people. So things would be far more difficult to hide from Reggie and Theo. They still didn't know who I lived with or who was the cause of my abuse. I wasn't really wanting to tell them but now they were going to find out. I knew they would eventually but that didn't mean I was ready for them to know.

I took a deep breath and made my way to the common room after having arrived and being done with dinner. I wanted to get this out of the way and tell Reggie and Theo about Remus.

"Hello love" Reggie said

"Cara Mia" Theo said

"We must talk" I said softly

"Ok is everything okay?" Theo asked

"I...the new teacher Remus lupin is who I live with, he's my godfather" I said

"That's who's been?" Reggie asked

"Yes and it hasn't stopped only got worse especially when Sirius escaped" I said

"He's hurting you more because of my brother?" Reggie said clearly angry

"They used to be close friends, but when he supposedly killed my parents they split in their friendship" I said

"We will keep and eye on him" Theo said

"Thanks but I can handle myself" I insisted

"Doesn't mean you can't have some help or backup" Reggie said still visibly upset about the whole remus thing

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