Chapter 2 - The Letter and The River

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A life without love, a life without fear, a life without any loss of any and all kinds. It just it's possible to have, you want the things you can't have. The things only few can have, yet you push to the the person your not or weren't at first. Things of course can't always go the way one wants and that's she was where she is now. Being taken care of by her godfather and not her real father for reasons being simple. Death, death is a tragedy and terrible thing to witness if any have. She did, she witnessed it all she was the elder twin out of the two. No one knew why she was being taken care of by her godfather and not the relatives living. Maybe it was a request upon their death and due to the circumstances that his godfather wasn't around anymore.

Maybe he wasn't allowed then because well his godfather was in prison for life. For the crimes he didn't commit to be honest it's a long story rather. A story of betrayal and love, loss and death a lot of death at best. So while she grew up surrounded by her world and he was surrounded by the muggle world. Where as she knew anything and everything about who she was and what she was. As for him he knew absolutely nothing about who or what he was. It was confusing when he found out what he was and who he was. For her she knew it all and didn't care at all to explain things. She was different than him, not entirely prejudiced against what everyone else was.

Although she wasn't against the reasoning for being prejudice either. She might have grown up around the wizarding world, but that didn't mean she liked everything. She might have grown up being taught that muggles and muggle born witches or wizards weren't bad. Although the things they did rather put her on the side she wasn't raised to be on. Being prejudice against muggle borns wasn't something she was raised into in fact it just happened to stick that way. She wasn't a fan of most muggles so why did she have to be a fan of muggle born children. Of course her godfather tried everything to explain to her the reasons but she never understood fully. So maybe that's why she was placed into the house she was.

Was she treated differently for it, yes but it was hard to say why. She never understood that either, why people thought all the witches and wizards from that house were labeled as evil. She didn't understand nor would she ever understand it not fully at lest.

"Did it come Remus?, did my letter come?" A young girl asked

"Trinity yes here is your letter" Remus said handing the girl an envelope

"Finally I can't wait to go to Hogwarts like mum and dad, oh do you think I'll get to meet Harry?" Trinity asked

"Probably he is the same age after all" Remus said

"Yeah but ten minutes younger" trinity giggled

"Yes you may be older by ten minutes but let's hope you cause less trouble than we did" Remus said

"But Remus, I love mischief you know this by now" trinity groaned

"Yes which is why you must be careful about what pranks you do, what trouble you get into as well, I don't want a letter coming here because you got detention on the first week" Remus said

"On Remus don't worry, if she's anything like Lily then she'll be just fine" a women said

"Hello Tonks, isn't it beautiful outside" trinity giggled

"Well the weather is nice out" tonks agreed

"Perfect can I go out to the river then?" Trinity asked

"Yes, no" Remus and Tonks said at the same time

"Remus let her out for once" Tonks said

"Yes, thanks Tonks" trinity giggled as she rushed to put shoes on and left

Although spending time with Remus and Tonks was fun she did enjoy the outdoors more than ever. She ran down the hill towards the river that divided her home to the Weasley home. Off in the distance you could see a tall crooked home that housed the Weasley family. All of them from Charline, bill, Percy, Fred and George (the twins), Ronald and Ginny plus Molly and Arther Weasley as well. Trinity smiled down at the river and walked across the fallen tree stump. Crossing over she rushed towards the Weasley home just as the twins rushed out.

"Freddie, Georgie how's it been" trinity giggled

"Ahh little potter good to see you" Fred said

"Very nice indeed" George said

You see the twins were identical but if you payed close enough attention to them you'd be able to tell who is who. She learned that when she was younger because she was a very attentive girl.

"I got my letter" Trinity squealed in excitement

"How" Fred said

"Exciting" George finished for his twin

"Very I know, and I can't wait to be sorted by that old hat" trinity giggled

"Very old hate" Fred said

"Yes very" George said

"Trinity dear don't jsut stand there come inside, have some lunch" Molly Weasley said

"Hello Molly, how's everything?" Trinity asked

"Very good thanks for asking" Molly said

Another red haired boy around trinitys age walked in and Trinity took notice. She turned and huffed glaring at the boy she didn't very much like.

"Ronald Bilius Weasley" Trinity said with distaste

"Trinity Lily potter" Ronald said with the same tone

"Ok you two let's stop before it starts" Arthur Weasley said as he entered the room

Trinity very much didn't like Ronald so she didn't dare use his nickname which was known as Ron. She much only liked the twins out of all the Weasley siblings. She related to them and shared the love for pranks and mischief. Much unlike some of the others especially Percy who was all school and education rather than fun and jokes. Trinity ate lunch with the Weasley family and spent some time with the twins before heading back across the river that separated the two family homes.

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