Chapter 14 - Remus Is Teaching

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I took a deep breath as we had classes soon and I was far from ready to see Remus again. It's not as though I haven't seen him at home because I have trust me. Me, Reggie and Theo had the same schedule so we all were heading to DADA class. As we entered the desks were moved out of the way and there was a wardrobe at the front. I knew what was inside I snuck into his office to see the lesson for the week. A baggot a creature that turns into your worst fears and taunts you unless you know a spell to protect yourself. A spell called redikulus, the spell turns the baggot into something funny and ridiculous so to speak. I heard and watched as hermione randomly appeared in the room.

"When did she get here?" I whispered to Theo

"I dont know it's weird" he said

She was answering the questions that Remus asked the class then we had to form a line. Somehow I was pushed towards or closer to the front right before Harry. I scoffed when he was the one to shove me forward as the baggot turned into Remus but he quickly jumped in front of me and a moon appeared.

"Class dismissed" he said

He forced me to stay behind to most likely lecture me of not being careful enough with what he does.

"Your stupid, you can't possibly do things like that, you should have been last so no one knew" he snapped

"It's not my fault you beat me Remus, and for a petty reasons at best" I snapped

I knew he wouldn't do anything here not in a public area to where they could see marks.

"Your pushing it trinity, really pushing the line" he snapped

"Do something then, hit me huh, won't do it will you not here at least" I taunted

But I was wrong suddenly he slapped me across the face with so much force and anger into it. I hissed as his ring dug into my cheek drawing blood.

"Leave her alone" the voice of Theo came into earshot

"Theo I'm ok" I whispered

"Let's go we have potions" Reggie said

"You look like him, act like him too" Remus whispered but I heard

I saw Reggie flinch at the words and knew exactly what he was feeling cause it came off him in waves. He was uncomfortable and it bugged me that Remus was making him feel that way. So I grabbed his hand and rubbed my thumb back and forth to comfort him. He smiled down at me, yes down at me because he had grown significantly taller than me over summer. We were now third years and for 14 nearly 15 years old they were quite tall. Him and Theo that is, both nearly six foot in height which was way taller than me. Me only being five foot two and all, knowing I'd never get taller than that. It wasn't just because of my genes but it was because of when girls get their periods. You stop growing after a certain point after getting it which pissed me off honestly.

And when I got it, Tonks didn't even try and help calm me down about it. Who wouldn't freak out about getting their first period and having no help to understand it. Other than that life was whatever it was especially with Remus and Tonks. Me, Reggie and Theo entered the potions class and took our seats at the Slytherin table. I was excited for this class we were going to learn about certain potions that I was excited for. So when snape entered the classroom to teach and didn't seem all that happy. He was picking on Neville again and teasing Harry as well which wasn't uncommon for him. But overall this class was good and next we went to herbology, then it was time for care of magical creatures.

Which didn't go well seeing as Draco got hurt and he was dramatic about it like always. He was always that way claiming he was better but I just grew used to it. Not that he cared what status I was he was protective like the others. Got mean when someone mainly the golden trio would do this. But whenever they called me a "no good half blood" even if Harry was the same as me a half blood. And we Slytherins retorted by calling Ronald a blood traitor and Hermione a muggle born bitch. At least I didn't fully call her a mudblood like Draco does. It left an impression on my tongue that didn't feel right and tasted bitter. The word wasn't my favorite to use but if you angered me enough I'd go that far. Even if I was taught to not mind them because Remus was friend some people.

I didn't personally care anymore what Remus and Tonks got up to lately. I knew that the order was holding meetings and I wasn't allowed anymore. The only reasons I knew was through the fact I used to be joining them the stupid order of the phoenix. Who names it that, anyway after classes we all went to the common room. It wasn't fun for long but we decided that later we'd play some muggle game called truth or dare with a twist. I knew about a few muggle games through research but that's about all I knew. Like seven minutes in heaven, spin the bottle and truth or dare. Other than that I barely cared to know all that about muggles. Especially when they can be cruel and idiotic little assholes to anyone and everyone.

Tonight would be fun, we were doing something I haven't done before but I was willing to try. We were doing truth or dare the twist was you had to drink a shot with truth serum in it. That was the fun part we'd be getting drunk and the actual truth out of each other tonight.

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