Chapter 7 - The Sorting Hat

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The rest of the ride was fine as we approached the station and got off the train. Only four people per boat was allowed so it didn't sink of course. So me, Theo, regulus and Daphne were in one boat. Tom was already in his second year so he wasn't going by boat. Only first years did so they could get sorted while the others waited for us inside the great hall. I couldn't help but gasp at the sight of the castle, it was way better in person than I expected. When we docked the boats and headed up the stairs of the castle to be met with Professor McGonagall. She was wearing her usually attire I assumed she wore often. Which consisted of a black pointy hat with green robes that covered everything from head to toe.

The only skin showing was her neck and face plus her hands of course. After she announced what was happening she disappeared into the great hall forcing us to wait for her return.

"So it's true then, both potters are going to Hogwarts" I heard Draco said

I turned and saw crabbe, Goyal and Draco, plus pansy standing in front of Ronald and Harry. I walked gracefully over and stood on the side so I could hear.

"I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy and this is crabbe and goyal" Draco said

Suddenly Ronald tried covering the fact he was about to laugh at Draco. I dont know what it was, if it was just my disliked for Ronald. Or something else but I felt angry at him mocking Draco for some reason.

"Think my names funny do you, no need to ask yours, red hair and a hand me down robe, you must be a Weasley" Draco hissed

"Yes he is, Ronald Weasley and a treacherous person at best" I sneered

"Says you" Ronald snapped

"As you can see some wizarding families are better than others, I can help you there" Draco said sticking his hand out in offering

"I think I can tell the wrong sorts for myself" Harry said rejecting Draco's offer

"Draco don't worry, you still have me" I said

"Ahh yes, the better potter" he smirked

"Ok students follow me, the sorting ceremony is ready" McGonagall said

We all filed into the great hall and stopped in front of a stool with the old sorting hat on it. I couldn't help but feel excited about it, overwhelmed yet overjoyed at the same time. I watched as one by one people went up and were sorted.

"Granger, Hermione" McGonagall said

She was whispering encouragements to herself while I heard Randal said she's mental. I couldn't deny she was odd, but she was more sane than he was. She was sorted into Gryffindor and next was Draco and before the hat even got to touch his head it shouted Slytherin. He smirked proudly and made his way towards the table.

"Never had a witch or wizard who wasn't evil" I heard Ronald said to Harry about Slytherin

"It doesn't matter what house your in, anyone can be good or evil Ronald" I hissed

"Whatever just look at the history books and you'll see" he said

"I hear opinion not fact" I said

"Potter, Harry" McGonagall called

He was placed in Gryffindor after begging to not be in Slytherin even though the had said he'd fit well.

"Potter, Trinity" McGonagall called

I confidently walked up the steps and sat on the stool the hat placed onto my head.

"Hmm ambition I see, cunning yes, full of mischief and desire, loyal yes but not hufflepuff, you'd be good in Ravenclaw very smart indeed, but where to put you, let it be SLYTHERIN" it shouted

"Thank you" I whispered before it was taken off my head

"Very welcome indeed" he said only for me to hear

I smiled happily and made my way towards the Slytherin table where almost everyone I knew or met was located.

"Yes thank goodness, I was rather happy we met so glad you aren't Gryffindor I would be allowed to associate" Daphne said

"Good thing indeed, plus I want to spite everyone who says Slytherin is evil" I smirked evilly

"Well that's a good enough reason to be here" Theo laughed

"Very impressive" Tom said

With that the feast began and after we all ate we made our way to the dungeons where our common room was located. The password this week was pureblood which wasn't that unique and very typical for this house. But it changes every week so that no other house can get in without someone from Slytherin along side them. You're not allowed in other houses common rooms apparently which is weird but understandable. Tomorrow was Saturday so we didn't have to start our classes until Monday came around. So I had a chance to find Harry and see if he's willing to chat. I can't help it, wanting to know him, he's my twin after all.

I just don't understand why he doesn't want to put in the effort to try and know me too. Why does it have to be one sided when it definitely shouldn't be. I want him to know me as I want to know him, but does he want that too. Unfortunately I had to share a dorm with some others. Luckily Daphne was one of the said girls, pansy was too but I'm still hesitant on knowing her. Yes, I wanted to know her but at the same time she wasn't really kind. Her obsession with Draco was out of proportion and rather annoying at best. Insisting she was the future wife of Draco Malfoy all night long was insufferable really. Although the beds weren't twin sized beds they were bigger like queen sized beds.

I chose the one in the center of the three, it had a pretty window that gave me a view of the black lake. I enjoyed seeing the fish under the water and such, plus we had a bathroom and each had a section for clothing. Or a set area for our clothes so we didn't mix things up or whatever. Our trunks were at the foot of our beds and may I tell you the beds. Oh how comfortable and soft they were with silk sheets and such. I was beginning to think we had one of the better dorm rooms out of the lot of girls.

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