Chapter 18 - Marked

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"So fucking sexy" Reggie said

"Sweet isn't it" Theo smirked

"Hey you guys oh" pansy walked in and froze

I grabbed the pillow and threw it at her causing her to try and dodge it which she was unsuccessful at doing.

"Get out" I squeaked

"We are waiting for you no wonder you too so long" pansy giggled than ran for her life

Considering I was about to run after her but Reggie caught me and laughed holding me back from chasing after pansy.

"Let's get dressed and go explain the mate thing to them" Reggie said kissing my neck gently

I whined as he kissed the spot he marked me in terms or sort of.

"Ok" I said softly

We got dressed but I limped having nearly had my legs give out causing both boys to smirk proudly at one another. I rolled my eyes causing Reggie to slap my ass and then Theo pinned me to the wall by my throat.

"Don't fucking roll your eyes like a little brat" he growled

"Or we might have to punish you" Reggie finished the sentence

"Sorry daddy" I said bitting my lip

"Fucking hell Cara Mia you got me hard again" Theo groaned

"Too bad we have to meet the others" I giggled and walked quickly as I could to the common room

There the others were caught laughing not paying attention to us just now walking into the room.

"Ok let me explain it to you" I said as I approached them all

"Oh good your here finally" Tom said with a scowl

"Oh cut it out" I said rolling my eyes

"I'd punish you for that" Tom grinned

"She rolled her eyes didn't she" Reggie chuckled

"Whatever let's get talking" I said

"You will be punished later" Theo whispered in my ear causing my cheeks to turn red as I nodded

"So what is a soulmate really?" Draco asked

"Well I, well as Dumbledore explained it to me is that because I did a risky spell and powerful one as a first year it made me into a hybrid like you know but since I did that I created my soulmates basically in a way I made myself have two rather than one" I said

"So what exactly does a soulmate, sorry I'm so lost" Daphne asked

"Soulmates as in two split souls meeting their other half type thing" Matteo said

"Oh" Daphne said

"Everyone has, well our kind have them at least and since I am both witch and wolf I now have two" I said

"Cool" Pansy giggled

"How do you know?" Blaze asked

"You feel it, it's a feeling of sorts" Theo said

"Oh makes sense I suppose" Daphne said

"Miss potter professor lupin is looking for you" snape said as he entered the common room

I gulped nodded at snape and hurried out of the common room to find Remus, fear building with each step. Suddenly a rough hand grabbed me and pulled me into a classroom and I knew who it was. This wasn't going to go well as he handled me roughly and not easily at all. He was pushing me around when he got close to my face and hissed.

"What's this rumor I hear, you telling people things" he hissed

"Rumors of what Remus?" I asked nervously

He glared at me then noticed the hickey on my neck and the marks this sent him over the edge. He grabbed my hair and roughly slammed me into a wall causing me to yelp in pain.

"Let her go" Reggie's voice filled my ears

Remus didn't let me go instead he scoffed and laughed realizing what Reggie was to me.

"What a slut you are, screwing Sirius brother really mature what did I warn you about" Remus snapped

"He said let her go" Theo snapped pointing his want at Remus

Remus scoffed and pushed me roughly towards the two boys and lucky for me they caught me before I fell. They rushed out of the room with me and pulled me into another room before I broke down in their arms.

"Shh your safe now" Reggie said brushing hair from my cheek

"Thank you both" I said stuttering slightly

"Of course princess" Theo said kissing my neck softly I whimpered as I leaned into him

I moved my head to the side to give him more access to my neck where he marked me.

"Theo" I moaned softly as he nipped my neck

"Shh keep quiet for us love" Reggie said as he got down on his knees lifting my skirt

He slipped two fingers inside me causing me to whimper as he curled them inside me. My head leaned against Theo's shoulder as Reggie's tongue connected with my clit.

"That's it such a good quiet girl" Theo said

He then grabbed my throat with one hand while the other undid my top to grab my breast.

"Oh shit Reggie" I moaned a little too loudly

"Be good for us and don't be loud" Theo said

"Please let....let me cum" I whimpered softly as I tried to be quiet

"Cum on his tongue then" Theo said growled

I bit my lips and shook with pleasure as he licked me faster and sucked harder as I released on his tongue. He backed away with a smirk and whipped his mouth before kissing me letting me taste myself on his lips.

"Bend over the desk" Theo groaned in my ear

I did as told and he lifted my skirt, I heard him undo his belt before teasing my entrance with his tip.

"Suck me like a good whore" Reggie said as I bent over to suck his cock

"That's it" Theo groaned as he slammed into me

I moaned around Reggie causing him to grip my hair and buck his hips into me. All while Theo fucked me ruthlessly from behind earning more moans from all of us.

"That's it cum for us" Theo groaned

I shook with pleasure as I moaned around Reggie who spilled into the back of my throat at the same time I came on Theodore's cock.

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