Chapter 15 - Truth or Dare With a Twist

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Later that night we found ourselves in Draco's from playing truth or dare with a twist. Draco had his own dorm lucky bastard cheated the system and got it because of his father. He's lucky he's nice to his fellow slytherins and friends because if he wasn't I know I wouldn't like him.

"Ok trinity truth or dare?" Reggie asked

"Mhmm dare" I said

"I dare you to kiss Theo, on the lips" Reggie smirked knowing exactly what he was doing

I groaned softly in frustration and got up walking towards Theo. He gripped my hips pulling onto his lap and grabbed my chin pressing his lips to mine. When he nipped at my bottom lip I denied access and quickly got off his lap and smirked. He had a boner now and was covering it with a pillow as he glared at me.

"Ok pansy truth or dare?" I said

"Truth I have said dare three times already" she said

"Is it true you aren't a virgin?" I asked knowing the story

She took the shot of liquor mixed with the truth serum and hissed.

"Yes I'm not a virgin anymore" she said

"Pansy parkinson" Daphne gasped

"She told me" I giggled

"Yeah whatever" Pansy waved us off

And we all went around and around until we were drunk, now I was sitting between Reggie and Theo. Theo suddenly placed his hand gently on my thigh while Reggie did to the other thigh. Both leaned into my neck and pressed their lips onto my neck causing me to whimper. I suppressed a moan as I felt their hands ride up closer to where I wanted them most. Everyone was drunk and past put aside form the three of us.

"Please" I whined softly

"Hmm" Theo hummed

"Please what?" Reggie asked

"Touch me do something" I begged

Reggie growled in my ear as he ran his hand up my leg and under my skirt. I gasped and arched my back when I felt his finger run of my slit.

"So wet for us huh" Reggie teased

"Reggie" I whined grinding into him

"Shh let us take care of you Cara Mia" Theo said

He began sucking on my neck while Reggie slipped a finger inside me curling and pumping in and out. I gripped Reggie's forearm tightly as I leaned into Theo while he nipped at my neck.

"Reggie please" I moaned

"What do you need love, use your words" Reggie said

"Can I cum Reggie" I panted

"Go on" Reggie encouraged

Theo's hand covered my mouth as I came undone on Reggie's fingers. I watched as he took them out of me and put them in his mouth sucking the cum from his fingers.

"Fuck that was hot" Theo whispered in my ear

"Don't you want a turn" I said to Theo

He growled playfully in my ear and pushed my back into Reggie as he dipped his head down, he began licking my clit and sucking hard causing me to gasped. Reggie grabbed my throat and kissed me as I gripped Theo's hair pressing him closer to me.

"Theo oh fuck" I moaned

The sound of my moans mixed with the cracking of the wood from the fireplace. As Theo kept going and then inserted two fingers bringing me closer to my high as he hit the right spots.

"I'm close, I'm gonna cum" I moaned

"Do it, cum all over him sweetheart" Reggie insisted

"Theo" I moaned

My mouth fell open and I arched while bucking my hips as he helped me ride out my high. But then being my soulmates I wanted no I needed more. I needed to claim them as they can claim me, I needed more but I knew tonight wasn't the right time.

"So fucking sweet" Theo said and kissed me

I whimpered softly as I felt him press down against me letting me feel how hard he was.

"We agreed to share, we both want you so badly" Reggie said

"You will be my mates?" I quickly questioned

"Fuck yes" Theo said gripping my hips and pulling me to his lap

"But we will wait to fuck you ruthlessly until your fully ready" Reggie said from behind me

"Fuck I need you" I whined

"But your not sure" Theo said

"I do want you, I want to claim you so badly right now but part of that is the alcohol talking and I want to remember it" I said

"Let's get to be then hmm" Reggie said

I snuggled into both of them one on either side of me and of course me in the middle. Falling asleep in my soulmates arms brought me to a night filled with better dreams and no nightmares.

A few days passed by since the drunk night with my friends and today there is a quidditch match. Slytherin vs Ravenclaw, so should be fairly easy because we always beat Ravenclaw not going to lie about that. Reggie and Theo are on the team I on the other hand rather watch them play. I am a backup on the team a secondary of sorts if anyone gets injured during then game. Which often happens more than once because it's a brutal game. But today Marcus flinch told me I was good to just watch and take a hot moment off. Which was odd at first considering he tended to be very brutal when it came to training and being in the games. Whatever it was that made him let me off I took it as a good thing and didn't question his motives.

Matteo, Tom, Blaze, Draco, Theo, and Reggie were all on the team with the captain being Marcus flinch and whatever other players. I stood between Daphne and pansy with Enzo as well with us because he wasn't much for quidditch really. He just joined to watch he doesn't play because he's not the best with a broom not going to lie about that.

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