Chapter 19 - More

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"That was amazing you did good love" Reggie said whipping my tears

"We aren't done tho, meet in the dorm after class" Theo said

With that I walked out on wobbly legs as we made our way to the next class and the next until classes were over. And I couldn't help but feel myself grow excited at the idea of Theo and Reggie fucking me again today. But before I could rush off towards my dorm to meet the boys Remus stopped me.

"Filthy whore" he said slapping me across the face and pushing me to the floor

He kicked me in the stomach causing me to gasp for air as he grabbed my hair roughly.

"Such a whore having two people fuck you, is that what you like huh? You like bing a filthy slut" he snapped and kicked me again and again

"Please stop" I cried in pain

"I can't believe your sleeping with regulus black and Theodore Nott, both bad news and you simply let it happen" he said and punched me cutting my lip with his ring

"Remus stop" a familiar voice said

And I knew then, that he had Remus wrapped around his finger, that my twin brother was against me in a way.

"Harry you didn't have to see this" Remus said as he dropped me

Hermione rushed to me helping me up and pulling me out of the room while Harry yelled at remus.

"Oh dear what happened?" Hermione said

"I want Reggie and Theo" I cried out

"Let me help you to them" she said

And she did, she helped me to the common room where I whispered the password and she helped me inside. Both Reggie and Theo rushed over panicked as the took me in their arms.

"We caught him you know" Hermione said to them

"Harry stopped it" Ron added as he too helped me to the common room

I cried into Theo's chest as they nodded thanking them and walked me towards the dorm.

"Shh we got you love" Reggie said

"I'll kill him" Theo growled in anger

"He called me a whore, said I was a slut for having two boys fuck me" I cried out

"Your not a whore love, your our everything" Reggie said kissing my cut lip gently

"Everything and more" Theo adds

Two weeks later

I or we had gone two weeks without sex and honestly I was dying inside because of it. I don't know about them but I was dying to have them inside me like now. But there was supposed to be a party tonight and I had the perfect plan to get them to fuck me. They told me I needed time to heal but it's been two fucking weeks and I need to be railed. I want them so badly I'm tempted to get myself off but I can't I know better than that because it leads to punishment. Then again the idea of being punished makes me so wet that I feel soaked through my panties. I had a free period until the end of the day while the boys had class.

"Pansy what do you think about this?" I asked the girl who was my closest friend since Daphne was in class right now

She looked up from her phone and smirked evilly at me before nodding excitedly at me.

"That corset see through too with your school skirt will fucking rile them up for sure" she said

"Good and what heels, boot heels or the stilettos?" I asked

"Boots" she said

I decided to put my hair in a high ponytail and let two strands out in either side of my head to frame my face. I did light makeup and then pansy headed to her last class before the party would start. I knew the boys would be back soon and getting ready for the party so I texted them telling them to wait for me in the common room. Man I was fucking wet as hell causing me to clench my legs together and groan in frustration at the feeling. When it was time to go Daphne and pansy came to get me because I was avoiding the boys so they wouldn't see my outfit right away. This was totally going to be worth it I know that for a fact but just how worth it. I walked down the steps to the common room where the party had began already.

I saw my group of friends yet Theo and Reggie's backs were towards me u like Tom and Matteo who were looking directly at me. The nudged the boys my boys and when they turned I heard a growl from Theo and an intake of breath from Reggie. I ignored their calls and gaze as I approached the drink table and took a few shots of something anything really before filling a cup as well. Then I found pansy and Daphne on the dance floor and made my way to them. I purposely danced sexily with pansy and Daphne before found hands gripped onto me. Two behind and two in front, Theo was behind me while Reggie was in front of me. I grind my hips against Theo earning a groan from him while I looked up at Reggie with an innocent smile.

"Naughty girl" Reggie said in my ear as he nipped at it

"Fuck you wet aren't you love" Theo groaned as he reached into my skirt

"Yes" I gasped as he touched my panties

"Maybe we should help you out" Reggie said

"Please" I begged

"Or we could make you suffer some more" Theo grinned

"I'll ignore you for a month and get off myself if I have to" I growled flashing my golden eyes

Reggie grabbed my neck and laughed darkly at me.

"Don't threaten us darling" he said

"Beg for it" Theo said with a grin

"Please fuck me, I need you so badly" I whined

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