Chapter 20 - Punishable

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As he reached into my skirt he rubbed up my slit causing me to buck my hips into his hand.

"Take it love" Reggie said

"We're in a party Reggie" I gasped as Theo slipped a finger inside me and I leaned against him

"Just play along" Theo insisted

"They can't hear you" Reggie said

"But they can see" I whined as Theo pumped his fingers in and out of me

"Just pretend to dance" Theo said

I took the opportunity to grind against them both while my legs got shaky from pleasure. I felt myself grow more wet and on the verge of an orgasm when Theo kept going. Reggie's lips attached to mine as I came on Theo's fingers so that he could muffle my screams. Theo pinched my nipples causing me to release more into his fingers.

"Theo fuck" I gasped watching as he sucked his fingers clean

"I need to fuck you" Reggie groaned

"Do it" I insisted

"Bedroom now" Theo said and I happily accepted their demands

The second we got inside the door shut and was locked, a muffling spell applied to the room when Reggie bent me over against the desk. He shoved my head down against it and pinned my hands behind my back as he slapped my ass hard.

"Fuck" I moaned

"Such a slut our little slut" Reggie said but it wasn't the same as when Remus said it

No when they called me a whore or a slut I felt a rush go through me and my legs grew week more than before.

"So wet again, you like when we call you names doll?" Theo chuckled

"Yes, yes sir" I said

"Good girl, now I'm going to fuck you so hard your going to cry got it" Reggie said

"Please Reggie" I begged

He ripped my panties off and slammed into me, when he took his belt off I didn't pay attention to but he had me shouting in pleasure.

"This what you wanted" Reggie groaned

"Yes, fuck" I moaned

"Want us to make you our personal cum slut huh?" Theo asked

"Yes make me cum please" I begged

"Not yet I'm fucking you now" Reggie groaned as he gripped my hair and slammed into me

"Reggie oh fuck" I moaned

"That's it right there, did I get it good hmm?" He asked

"Yes Reggie right there" I moaned

"Fuck our filthy slut" Reggie groaned as he fucked me

"Harder" I moaned

He chuckled slapping my ass as he began pounding ruthlessly into me and I was shouting.

"REGGIE" I moaned

"You slut, I didn't give you permission to cum did I" Reggie taunted

"No sir" I said

"Guess I'll have to keep going until you learn to listen" he said as he did it again

"Can, I need to cum Reggie please" I cried out

"No, you don't deserve it" he said and pulled out cumming on my back

"Reggie please" I cried in frustration

"Don't worry love I got you" Theo grinned as he slammed into me

I gripped the desk hearing a crack from the strength I had as he pushed into me deeper and deeper.

"Theo oh fuck" I moaned

"That's it cum on my cock" he ordered

"Theo yes fuck, right there" I gasped in pleasure

"That's it take him so well darling" Reggie praised

"Shit Cara Mia I'm cumming" Theo groaned as he spilled inside me

That caused me to cum again and he chuckled darkly but I knew they weren't finished with me yet. That was only the fourth climax they had given me and they make it their mission to reach at least ten.

"You filled with my cum turns you on huh love" Theo teased

"Yes" I gasped as Reggie picked me up and tossed me onto the bed

"Ride me darling" Reggie said as he lay down against the e headboard

"Oh fuck" I moaned as I rocked against him

"That's it good girl" Reggie praised

"You feel so good Reggie" I whined

"Take him too" Reggie said as Theo slipped into me as well

"FUCK" I shouted as they filled me perfectly

"That's it" Theo said

"Baby you feel so good" Reggie groaned as I rocked them both into me deeper

"Don't stop, fuck" I moaned

"Shit I'm cumming" Reggie said

"Me too" Theo and I said

"Trinity" Theo and Reggie moaned while I cursed

"Fucking hell" I panted

But they weren't done because at the end of it all I had twelve orgasms and amazing ones at best and so did they. I was crying begging to stop when I reached the last high for the night. Everything felt so intense I couldn't help but feel my vision cloud as the pleasure too over and my eyes rolled back.

"FUCK" I screamed the last time I

"New record" Theo said as he lay beside me

"12 nice done darling" Reggie said as he lay on the other side of me

"She's asleep" Reggie said softly just as my body fell into a deep sleep

"Such a pretty girl" Theo said

The next morning I woke up to loud voices in the common room, so I got up got dressed in Reggie's shirt and Theo's sweats before heading down. There I was greeted by Theo and reggiee arguing with Harry and Hermione, but I didn't know why.

"You didn't even want to acknowledge her as a sister before" Reggie snapped

"And that was my mistake, she was" Harry began

"Sorted into Slytherin and you believed Ronald over your own flesh and blood that not all Slytherins are evil" I butted in

"Cara Mia, did we wake you?" Theo asked

"Doesn't matter, what matters is I'm thankful for you stopping Remus but what are you in need of that suddenly changed you perspective of me" I asked

"We need you help please" hermione begged

I laughed darkly feeling happier when she begged for help but the others looked confused.

"I like when you beg, do it again" I said and grinned

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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