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A/N~ Chapter 1 will start June 2, but here is the introduction 3, oh and the cover of the story will be posted some time next week <3

POV 3rd Person (Leo):

"Casey. Casey, come in"

Leonardo switched his gaze between the communicator that wrapped around his wrist and the enemy before him, The alien stalked towards him, Leonardo watched him, taking very few steps away as Kraang walked closer to him, never taking his eyes off him, he kept watching, making sure he kept the distance. 

"Sensei! I'm here!"

 Casey's voice called out as Leo watched the alien before him, stepping away from the droid as the droid glared at Leonardo. "And I've got eyes on the key. Just tell me when you're home free, and I'll pull the plug", Casey's voice spoke up, he was ready, everyone was prepared to end this whole fight, this battle, Leonardo was ready to do what was needed to be done, yet Casey sounded so prepared for him to jump out. Leonardo knew that wasn't going to happen, and it hurt, Leo knew he had to tell him, but how could he? Leo stared down at the wristband, the same one the slider used to communicate with his allies, with his family, and sadness was all he could feel as he looked between the wristband and the photo brought back from the future, Casey's future, Leo knew he needed to do the right thing, "Casey, listen to me. When I get to the other side, you close the door-", Kraang steadied himself, he was ready, "What?! Sensei, no!"

"Casey, it's the only way, and you know that. He's too strong. He's not gonna stay on the other side unless I keep him there", with sullen eyes, Leonardo stared down at the communicator, he was ready to protect the earth, to keep his family safe, "There has to be another way!"

"We tried everything, Case. This is the only way", for the first time the slider has known this kid, Casey was silent, he was thinking the plan over, however, of course, not everyone was okay with this plan, "Leo, please don't do this! Leo!", he words were so ironic. For weeks maybe months, maybe even a year, Raph kept reminding Leo, telling him so many times to be more heroic, to be a stronger leader, yet the moment he was, Raph told Leo to think it over. Leo chuckled as he stared at Kraang, "You're one to talk, big bro. Hero moves are totally your style", this whole conversation was so ironic, for as long as Leo's known Raph's always been there to protect the family...not this time though. Leo needed to stay strong, he stumbled his legs giving out as the only thing keeping him up was his words, winds rushing past him, trying so hard to knock the turtle down. Leo tried his best to block the wind, staring at the droid that glared at him, his body swaying so calmly, so....relaxed, "Outmatched and alone, yet you persist. For what? Honor, redemption? Sacrifice? All meaningless...", his words seethed through his teeth as he glared at the boy, "We'll see about that". Sprinting towards the alien, the turtle wielded his swords tightly in his hold, but as the distance between them shortened, Leo slid underneath him, creating a portal and rushing through it, but as he exited through the portal, Leonardo threw my swords, only for him to dodge it, 'perfect'. Leo fought hard, he couldn't let the alien know that everything was part of the plan, he needed to focus, yet...he grabbed Leo. Chucking him against the ground, the ground crumbled below the turtle as the wind was knocked out of his lungs, pinning Leo down with his foot, it hurt...everything hurt so much, but now wasn't the time, Leo needed to focus.

"Leo, please! I can't lose you again..."

"Hey...", Leo grunted as the Kraang applied more pressure, for a second it felt like his shell cracked, "-future me would be real proud of you...", Leo groaned again, shuffling around trying so hard to breathe, to catch his breath, "I'm proud of you..."

"Weak words, weak actions. I have forever known what you fail to understand. Strength. Always! PREVAILS!!!", Leo's blade stabbed through the droid's legs, reaching up as he held firmly onto the alien robotic leg with all his might, glaring at him, "What you fail to understand, I missed on purpose", digging the blade further into this droids legs, his hold became stronger, watching as the sword began glowing, eliminating a beautiful blue light, and just in a blink of an eye, they teleported towards the other sword, "No. Enough of your little tricks!", he grabbed Leo's swords and chucked them away, but his hold never weakened, yelling right into his wristband, "Casey!-", his voice stuttered, he was in so much pain, it hurt to talk, to speak so loudly, "Close the portal now!"

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