|Chapter 11|

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POV 3rd Person(Mikey):

"Strap the turtle to the table!-", Mikey had no energy, yet with the little strength he had left, he fought against the droids as they pulled him into a dimly lit lab, locking the door behind him. Using his feet, he pushed against the droids and landed on the ground, standing up, Mikey's body swayed as he looked around him, pulling out his nunchucks, activating the blade he swung the blade around him, "Back!- St-ay back!-", Mikey looked around the lab, and noticed the vent above him, pulling out the slug, he aimed it straight for the vent, but he took too long. A droid grabbed Mikey by the arm, and pulled him down towards the ground, shoving his arms behind his back, "LEO!!!", Mikey groaned in pain as he kicked against the droid and looked up towards the vent, he continued to yell, 'Please be there...please...save me...', his face was soaked, tears streamed down Mikey's face as he continued to call out to Leo, "Pl!-", Mikey tried so hard to yell, but he couldn't. A droid slammed his metal hand against his throat, choking him with all its might as it dragged him further and further away from the door, further away from freedom, "Hel-p me-!"


His ears rang as pain radiated down the back of his head, but what was strange was for a second he could have sworn he heard something crack, he only hoped that it was the table. Mikey scratched at the hand that gripped onto his neck, begging for some air, the droid finally let go of his neck, leaving him gasping for air, it took all Mikey's strength to lean up from the table, holding his hand over his throat, he winced from the slightest touch to his throat. Mikey bared his teeth as he glared at Sub-Prime, "What do you want from me!", the fight was over, Mikey struggled against the droids as they strapped him down against the table, none of his body could move, they tied down his legs, arms, stomach, neck, the droids even wrapped a strap around his head, and placed two metal bars beside his head, he couldn't even move his head, he was stuck. "It's quite simple turtle, we want to know how you were able to get inside Dimension X...", Sub-Prime stood right beside Mikey's head, his eyelids felt so heavy as Mikey continued to stare at him, and his breathing was heavy, uneven with each breath he took, but he persisted. Footsteps were the only thing Mikey could hear, the Kraang beside him didn't speak, so the droids movement around the room was all he focused on.

"No? Let me ask a better question...Why are you here in the first place?- And where is your kin?", Mikey moved his arms against the restraints, trying so hard to free himself, but he couldn't, breathing heavily Mikey snapped at the Kraang, glaring at him, "How should I know...", Mikey spoke through his teeth, air seething through the slivers between his teeth, "Do you think I'm a fucking idiot...tell me where your kin is now-"

"God, just say brothers- oh or maybe siblings, why in the world does every Kraang say kin-", Sub-Prime slammed his tentacle down on the drone he sat on, "My brothers aren't here!-, no one's here...", he looked away from the Kraang, and stared up towards the ceiling, he was tired and each passing second wasn't helping at all, "That doesn't explain why your here!-"

"I was playing a game with my brothers, alright! They didn't think I could survive on my own inside this place for even an hour, but hey look at me, I'm still alive!~", Mikey laughed pathetically as the tears started again, and all Mikey could do was look up, feeling every single drop roll down the side of his face, wetting the table he is laying on. "I bet your here for that stupidly insane croc, huh...", Mikey didn't say a word, he wasn't thinking about the Kraang's words, he wanted to think about Leatherhead, about his friend, yet the only thing Mikey could think about was his mistakes, his choices, all of it lead him to this point, but it didn't matter someone was going to come save him just in time, they always do, Mikey was ready for their big entrance, but as he zone back into the reality he was living, Kraang words strangely felt so loud as he spoke to him. "By chance, turtle do you know what the most important organs inside a creature's body are?", Mikey couldn't think straight his ears still rang and Sub-Prime words were muffled, the exhaustion and restless sleep nights were finally getting to him. Mikey tried to stay away, so he switched his eyes around the room, droids walked around the table, but only a few could be seen, so he watched them. Droids walked up and down beside the bed, whatever droid came near his eyes never looked away, yet there was one that caught his eye, a droid inside the room carried a droid suit and placed it right next to Sub-Prime.

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