|Chapter 9|

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POV Mikey:

"Did you kidnap a freaking kid?!", a small mutant's head was peaking out the top, its eyes switching between Leo and me, its face flat but as it looked back up at me a soft toothless smile appeared on its face, "Wha!- No! I went in and left right after because there were too many droids on the floor!- Wait no! Were not ignoring this- what happened to your legs? You had legs this morning so-", I stared down at his legs, and watched as he turned away, pulling the tarp over them, hiding his legs away, "Heh its honestly kinda funny when you hear it, I was fighting my world's- um....you know- and he kinda just-", he turned his face away. Without saying a word, he showed me what happened, I was shocked, 'His Kraang did...what?', watching as he showed me again and again, it felt so odd, was he stuck in some sort of trance as he punched where his leg was over and over until his fist froze, "And then...I met my buddy Venom... the technodrone and him were able to save me from dying, but they weren't able to save my legs...but hey I guess now I look more badass huh?", I never realized how big the bags under his eyes looked, the corners tinged in a slight blueish-green, 'When was the last time you slept, Leo?...'

"Now. Back to you, why did you have a kid in your bag?", I walked towards Leo, and pulled the pouched closer to my face, looking inside, the mutant was so small, there was no way this mutant wasn't a baby, "Like I said I'm not sure! When I got inside I hid in the closet across the hall, and Sub-Prime almost found me, but something stopped him, I don't what it was-"...I looked down at the pouch and watched as the mutant backed away farther into the satchel, it almost looked...scared, "You did it..."

"What are you talking about Angie?", I sat next to Leo and pulled the strap off of my shoulder, placing it in my lap, staring at the small creature, "You were the one that did it...huh?", a small pair of hands reached out of the bag, reaching for Leo. I looked up at him, but as he looked at the small mutant I could tell that he was hesitating, his hands trembling as they reached out for it, "Wait-...does this mean we can keep it!"

This creature is not a it Michaelangelo

She's a girl

"Ohhhhh...so can we keep her, Leo can be the dad and I can be the fun uncle!-"

"Dad?! Dude I'm younger than you and you want me to be the dad?!", I shrugged my shoulders, and watched as she climbed out of the bag, well more like...slithered, "She's a snake mutant?!"

Yes Michaelangelo specifically she is a Red Cornsnake

And by the looks of it she looks to be one month old

"A month-...System-computer-thing! I may not know babies, but I know that they don't move that...soon!"

Yes Michaelangelo that is true however unlike you

She is more snake-like than humans

Humans take months to learn how even to flip over

Snakes and other reptiles are far more independent

Snakes are on their own right after hatching

She could have gotten those attributes from her snake side

I stared down at the small mutant, so small that she could fit in both of Leo's hands, she snuggled into his hand and a gentle hiss came from her, her mouth opening wide as she yawned, her arms sketching, falling asleep in Leo's hands. I looked up at Leo and for a second I could have sworn I saw something in them, a gleam, a spark, but his face, everything about him seemed so terrified, his hands trembled as the snake laid comfortably in his hands.

I advise that since the infant is still quite young to return her back to where she came from

"What?", I looked down at the wrist device, I was ready to go against the voice's words, 'Take her back?!-', but I didn't get a chance to even speak, "No".

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