|Chapter 2|

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Sorry for posting late...I've been busy at my gma's and aunty's because we were celebrating my birthday and had no time to actually edit this chapter, but I hope you enjoy <3

~Ten Hours Later~

POV 3rd Person(Venom):


Venom stabbed his finger into the removed organ, and poked the spleen over and over again, waiting just outside the operation room, he couldn't wait any longer, patience was never his strong suit, yet here he was staying put in the observation room. Venom could wait for his host, he would wait to the end of Earth's time for his host, yet for some reason he wanted so badly to get back inside his host body, to press his snout against this organ to inhale that beautiful smell, to run his long tongue along the spleen, oh how badly he wanted this surgery to end, but there was still so much to fix with his host. Prying open the cooler, Venom jammed the organ into the ice box, making sure the organ kept its freshness, oh how hungry Venom was, even though he didn't have a stomach he felt something growl inside of him, he felt a hunger. Venom sighed tiredly as he stood up from his chair, and walked towards the screen, 'Four...only four of the eleven- possibly twelve issues were fixed so far...', pulling up the map, Venom stared at the two dots that beep constantly, the air was filled with so many different sounds, the beeping from the heart monitor, the sound of this two dots location, the patient's breathing as the oxygen flowed through its lungs, even the sound of his metallic feet tapping against the ground as he paced back and forth. He wanted to leave this part of the dimension, to explore farther than any Kraang has done, to see beyond the edge of this dimension, but Venom knew very well that without a host to subside within, he wouldn't make it past the ship he ventured to hours prior.

'Maybe that unknown lifeform can help?', zooming away from the Kraang Prime's position he slid his finger across the screen, sliding closer and closer to the dot until...Venom couldn't swipe his finger any longer, big red letter showed up on the screen, 'Unknown Territory beyond this point', Venom tried swiping over and over, trying so hard to see what the other side looked like, but no matter how hard he tried he was met with the large bold red letters, words written in his own dialect. Venom hated his dialect and language that took years to master, years of determining what one squeal meant and what the other was... Salamanderian was by far his favorite, quite a complex language, yet compared to his own it was so much more intellectual.

"Mother Ship-", Venom popped up the monitor and watched the live footage of his host's current procedure, osteorrhaphy, "How far into the procedure have you completed"


I understand you are impatient

However I can't spe-

"How much of the procedure have you completed", for the first time, she was silent when Venom asked her this question. Staring at the screen, Venom watched her meticulously manoeuvered the fragments back to their original position.

Seventy-eight percent of the procedure is finished General

"Alright...", it was strange to Venom, why was he so impatient, he's waited for over a thousand years, so why was he nervous, was it because of Kraang Prime...possibly.

General how about we discuss plans for when the patient has completed all its procedures

Will that help with occupying your boredom

Venom sighed tiredly as his metal finger tapped the chair, the hours upon hours of his finger tapping against the chair began to show an indent, yet answering her question took some time to think about, "What could possibly be planned after my host's procedure? If it's about the meals and nutrition post-operation, then yes, we should discuss", Venom stared down at the patients open abdomen, his shell sawed open and tossed off to the side, ready to be used to seal this creatures body closed once more

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