|Chapter 13|

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POV Leo:

"Leo. What on earth are you doing, we need to leave and look for Mikey now-"

"Good idea! But think Venom, who's going to take care of Krisa while I'm out! The system can't take care of her and I know damn well you can't either- no offense..."

"Well okay uhhh, Mother, do you have any ideas what we should do with Krisa?"

In some cultures all over the universe

Different cultures have different ways of carrying their children without limbs in use

A fairly common one that humans and even a race similar to Krisa's physiology use

I looked around the area that I slept in, our camp was really small and only had a few things, two tarps with a satchel at the very top of the bed used at night as a pillow, two boxes were placed off to the side one was filled with mine, Angie's food and water and in the other box was all Krisa fresh food, and my swords and holster were placed right above my head, ready for use when the time came. That was all we had, not clothes that could be used as slings, but I did have something that could work.


Leaping from one island to the next, I held my satchel to my chest, trying so hard not to hurt Krisa, but instead of complaining about the darkness or even the trip, she laughed throughout the journey. Her head peaked out, pointing at every little thing, whether it was a small creature or a monster I tried to avoid, trying to keep us both safe.

"What is your plan when we get there? Plus, what will you do with the little one when we get inside- wait, do you even know which of the hundreds of buildings in this dimension he's in?!"

I stopped, staring at the closest facility, 'He's right...', Krisa cooed quietly as she pulled at the top edge of my shell, looking down at her, her eyes looked from me to the building, hiding deeper inside the satchel. Kneeling behind a rock on the very edge of the island, I pulled the bag closer to my face, staring at the small dark eyes that peered from inside, "Honey, I know this is really scary, but I need you to be very very quiet, can you do that for me?", Krisa usually never responds to anything I say, I can tell she only listens based on my tone, but for a second I could have sworn she nodded before hiding farther into the satchel. I didn't put her in the pouch by herself, I put anything that could cushion her to make the mission more comfortable, 'You got this Leon...', I slowly breathed out as I hoped from one foot to the next, shaking my hands, trying so hard to get rid of the nerves.

With one final exhale, I stepped back away from the edge and with all my might I ran, running faster and faster and as the edge got closer by each moment, I pushed off the ground, soaring through the air until I hit the neighboring island, I winced as I landed on my knee, but I couldn't stop. Pointing my slug at the very top of the building, I tugged on the slug and flew through the air, landing right next to the vent, "Venom, I need you to do something!", I whispered loudly as I messed with the bolts, screwing off one after the other, "If I freeze up and start freaking out, I need you to take over and keep searching for Angie-", tossing the last screw off to the side, I ripped the cover off of the vent and tossed it off to the side, tossing my legs inside and fell to the bottom, with my hand cradling Krisa, making sure I wasn't dragging her along the bottom of the vent, "-search this place until you are sure he isn't here, we will search every single day, every minute until we find him..."

"Terra...but what if your family comes to find you...you will lose the one chance you have to get out of this place, if you miss that chance you will never be able to go home..."

Venom was right. After what he said, I stopped, switching my gaze from my destination back to where I came from, I was stuck and for the first time in so long everything felt so quiet, "System...", my voice stuttered as I whispered, feeling Krisa tapped at my stomach, making me looked down towards her.

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