Shitty Angst/Part 4

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*     Hours Later.. AKAZA'S pov.

After I ate I went back to the Infinity Castle to train.. That was 18 hours ago, now I'm here, sweating my ass off as I continue to train with no thoughts of stopping.

I don't like being called someone's bitch or a weak-link who can't fight a high ranked demon. I continue to practice sending shockwaves and multiple punches towards an imaginative target. I don't stop training even after Douma enters the room and calls my name.

"Akaza!" He yells, running up to me and grabbing my arm to prevent me from punching anymore.

"What the hell!? Akaza, you've been training for 18 hours straight! You need to eat–"


"What the fuck do you mean 'no'!?" Douma shouts at me as I try to loosen his grip on my arm.

"I won't stop until I'm no longer called 'weak'.. And if I can't, I'll die unpleasant." I whisper, the imaginative target gone as I look over at Douma.

"You're not weak, you may not be the strongest; But you're nowhere near being weak." Douma whispers, letting go of my arm. I take a second to process what he said, understanding it slightly, but still wanting to be stronger, physically. I drop my arms and let my hands relax for the first time in 18 hours.

"But I'm not happy with myself, Douma."

"Do you want to talk about it?" I look over at him, wondering whether or not I can trust him with my emotions.

"I don't know if I can trust you, Douma.. I could open up to you but you could go out of your way to tell Muzan about my weaknesses. I know for a fact that Muzan does not like hearing about demons being weak."

"I didn't tell anyone about us cuddling yesterday–" I blush at his words, feeling better, but still not trusting him.

"You could be lying, Douma.. I can't trust you knowing my weak points."

"There's no need to lie to you, Akaza.. If I wanted to lie to you it wouldn't be at a time like this."

"But you're fucking cruel! I know you're cruel.. You kill innocent women and children just for fun! You play with their blood and limbs while you fucking kill them! And you're asking me to fucking trust you!?" Douma looks away from me, I grab his arm, wanting his full attention.

"Why do you do that to people?" I ask, still angry, but confining my anger.

"Why do I kill mercilessly? Because, no one seems to care about how I feel, when a demon slayer sees you, 'don't they immediately try to behead you? It's the same thing to me–"

"But some don't.."

"Ones that don't are deemed as cowards, it's wrong, but it's the way things work."

"It doesn't justify how you eat people alive."

"I don't eat them alive, I kill them after I make them suffer, then I eat them."

"That still is mortifying.. What if someone did that shit to you!?"

"I wouldn't mind them doing it, I know what I deserve," I don't respond to him, not understanding how he still thinks what he does is okay.

"What about when you kill, Akaza? Isn't it the same thing.. I'm sure those men had wives or family and children that they cared for."

"Don't remind me."

"Why shouldn't I!? You remind me of my reputation. Why can't I remind you of yours–"

"Because I don't want to kill the innocent.." I whisper, attempting to walk away from Douma. He follows me, wanting to know my response.

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