(3) Mission #1/Part 11

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(SORRY ABOUT HOW LONG THIS MISSION IS– I'm thinking about ending the mission somewhere here..)

DOUMA'S pov.

"You know, Akaza-Dono, you aren't as bad as the other Upper ranks described you to be." I chuckle, turning my head towards him a bit as I allow my body to relax. I sigh, my hair blowing in the wind. I pat it down with my hand before letting go of it, Akaza watches as I struggle to keep my hair from blowing with the wind. He chuckles quietly, finding my hair's reluctance to stay put amusing. I glance at Akaza, a soft smile appearing on my face as I feel calmer with him.

"Oh, thanks.. The others see me as short-tempered and arrogant." He laughs quietly, his laughter sounding fake.

"You don't seem to be very happy about that, do they talk down to you or something?" I softly rest my hand on his shoulder, focusing on him. I watch as his cheeks become a faint shade of pink as he tilts his head, his answer being middle and unsure.

"I know Daki and Gyutaro can be little pricks sometimes, but don't let them get to you, Akaza-Dono. As long as you're happy with yourself that's all that matters–" I stop after hearing Akaza quietly chuckle. I return my focus to him and see him lying on the roof.

"What's funny?" I ask, genuinely confused as I lay beside him and contently kick my feet to entertain myself further.

"I just found it funny how you referred to them as 'little pricks'." Akaza chuckles softly as he rests his arms behind his head, his elbows holding him up as he admires the night sky with me.

"Well, they can be little pricks sometimes. I swear.. Daki can get on my nerves sometimes with her stuck-up attitude and her bratty behavior. And Gyutaro doesn't tell when he encourages her attitude–" I groan, remembering how the two would always be together, Gyutaro would also back his sister up. Even though sometimes Daki just leaves her brother to do all the explaining and work.

"I notice how Daki treats Gyutaro, you can see the dejection in his eyes when she argues with him." Akaza frowns a bit, showing a more sympathetic side of himself. I nod, agreeing with him.

"I do too, I honestly, wish she'd appreciate her older brother a bit more.." I instantly sit up, hearing a sound in the distance. "Akaza, someone's here." I whisper to him, seeing his head perk up as he becomes more alert. I stare the two demon slayers down, watching as they walk stiffly.

Akaza watches as he keeps his head down, I see his eyes harden slightly, becoming more threatening and hostile.

"And then, the bitch slapped me! Who did she think she was!?" The one yelps, exaggerating his words with his hands and widening his eyes. 

"Man, you gotta calm down.. There's a threatening aura here.." The other one whispers, looking around and stopping, holding his arm out and stopping the younger one. "L-Look up.." He stammers, his voice laced in fear as his sight locks onto Akaza and I.

"Why did they send us here..?" The first guy whispers, the one who was complaining seconds ago. I chuckle softly and give them an overly-friendly smile and lift my hand up, waving to the amatures.

Akaza looks over at me and shakes his head. "Douma, don't wave at them–"

"Why not?~" I coo softly, obviously knowing why.

"We both know why." He scoffs, clenching his fists and jumping down, landing and dusting his pants off. I jump down with him and shaking myself a bit incase there was any dust on the roof.

"Hello there, you guys don't get paid enough for this.. Do you?" I chuckle softly, approaching them quietly.

"We.. We're just kids! We don't mean to disturb you!" The one first one cowers, his hair a shimmering white color as his hair cascades down his forehead delicately.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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