(2 continuation) Mission #1/Part 10

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Douma walks up to me while I'm eating the man who I just fought.

"Akaza-Dono?" I look up at him, silently telling him to speak. "We should continue our mission." I nod, dropping the man's corpse and standing up.

"We should split up so we get more land covered."

"Smart, I'll meet you at the house we stayed at in a few hours."

"Why not at dawn?" I ask, looking up at the dark, but star-covered sky.

"Because we should probably relocate ourselves so when it becomes morning we'll be in another spot for the next day."

"Douma, speak English–"

"I am, you're just stupid," He laughs quietly at my confusion before continuing. "What I'm trying to say is that we shouldn't stay in an area that we already searched in." I nod, understanding what he means before leaving him there. Why did we have to be assigned this mission? Why couldn't he have given it to Kokushibo? I better stop complaining before my mind gets read..

While I'm perched on a tree's branch, Douma joins me on another tree across from the one I'm on.

"You bastard! You scared me!" I yelp, not expecting him to practically jumpscare me.

"You should always be prepared, Akaza-Dono!" Douma smiles, his tone cheerful for no reason.

"Why are you so happy?"

"Am I not allowed to be happy, Akaza-Dono? Or are you jealous–"

"Why would I be jealous!?"

"Why have you been so pissy this week?" He interrogates, jumping off the tree he was sitting on before drawing his frost vines.

"Because I just am–" I stop talking and gasp quietly when Douma's vines wrap around my wrists and pull me from the tree. I land in front of him on my face as the vines unravel themselves from my wrists.

"Why are you so stubborn, Akaza–"

"I don't want to explain myself–" I lift my head up slightly, before sitting on my knees and staring at the grass under me.

"Come on, we need to keep looking for that damn Spider Lily.." Douma groans, his tone and attitude changing abruptly. I nod before lifting my head up and watching him walk away. I get up and run to his side, wanting to get this horrid mission over with.

"I've noticed you're a relatively quiet one– Why is that?" He asks, turning his head to me slightly. I look over at him, Douma returns my stare, his expression expecting and impatient but also confused.

"I don't find any of the other Kizuki interesting, I guess– They're all either too quiet, stupid, immature, or annoying and arrogant." I shrug my shoulders once, moving my head so I can see in front of me.

"I don't care for many people, I've always been like that– They can show me as much affection and, or care, but I still won't be impressed."

"You sound spoiled–"

"I am spoiled, but the women get annoying.. I'm tired of hearing the same stories over and over– I want something interesting."

"Douma.. Don't they come to you to find safety?"

"Maybeee.." I glare at him, not understanding his ways.

"So you find their suffering boring?" Douma nods silently. "Douma, do you know how fucked up that is!?"

"I know very well. I know because I've dealt with family issues like they have."

"I didn't know–"

"No one does."

"I won't say nothing." I promise, remembering how he didn't go around gossiping when I shared a bed with him. Douma stays quiet and nods once, understanding me.

"We should split up now, we'll get more done."

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*     *     {DOUMA'S pov.}

Akaza and I found a new house to stay in a few miles away from the village we were just in. I sit on the house's roof, admiring the stars that are scattered along the night sky.

"Douma?" Akaza calls, I look down, seeing him tilting his head up and staring at me in confusion from the ground. "Are you stargazing?"

"What else would I be doing on the roof?"

"May I join you?" He asks, jumping onto the roof and landing beside me. I nod quietly, leaning back slightly and holding myself up with my arms. Akaza sits criss-crossed beside me, his head tilted to see the stars.

"The stars are so pretty Akaza-Dono.." I whisper absent-mindedly as I continue to admire the stars. Akaza nods, seeming to be lost in a trance.

"Douma.. What did you mean when you said you've dealt with family issues?" I look at Akaza, respectfully giving him my attention. He turns his head, returning my eye-contact.

"Don't say anything but, when I was a child my mother stabbed my father to death out of rage.. She was sick of his affairs with the cult's women– She then poisoned herself. I saw the entire thing unfold." My sight returns to the stars as I remember the event vividly.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked." Akaza apologizes.

"It's okay you didn't know, Akaza."

"Douma?" I look over at Akaza, waiting for him to speak up. "You don't have to answer but.. Weren't you scared when your mother stabbed him?"

"Truth is– I didn't really care.. Yeah, I was a little scared when she was stabbing him– But after she poisoned herself, I was more disappointed at the mess they made. When I heard the cult members rushing towards the room, I immediately started fake crying so I wasn't blamed."

"I would've been terrified, especially as a child." I shrug my shoulders, not wanting to tell him that I go through a series of not feeling anything sometimes.

I continue to stargaze with Akaza, enjoying his company silently. I feel a cold but gentle breeze past the two of us, it feels nice to hear the leaves rustle in the wind– Especially with someone who's just as calm as you are in the moment.

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Word Count (Not including banner thing(s) above ^ , this text, or the text below v.): 976

This chapter is the continuation after the graphic part of the last chapter. Even without reading the violent scene(s) in the previous *chapter*, you should still be able to understand this and future chapters.

Anyways– Have a wonderful day/night/afternoon/morning and stay safe out there. -ButterCat

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