Breaking in

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I had made it my mission to investigate Kakashi; it was hard, honestly. The man was quick on his feet, and people seemed to think it was weird when I asked questions about him. It seemed I knew him more than anyone else did. I pulled my hood up and tiredly walked down the road. I was unsure what my next move should be.

"Kakashi?" Hinata said it a little unsure; she looked caught off guard by my bringing him up. "Well, I am not sure if he... I mean, you did live with him; he was in charge of watching over you." She admitted it, unsure if she should be saying it.

"Had we been together?" I asked, pressing for more.

She thought for a moment, "He was protective of you. I'm not sure." She said, getting up, "I have to get home; it's getting late... You should ask him." She rushed off, clearly uncomfortable.

I sighed. I wonder where he lives. God, I sounded like a stalker. Maybe that's why he was so distant. I shook my head, lost in thought. I just wanted to know the answers. To remember, I have spent so many years walking through a haze, and every time I was near that man, I found a small piece of myself.

I wonder if he would tell me... if I just asked... I frowned doubtful, he would have already, wouldn't he have?


I looked up, startled, seeing that I was wandering aimlessly. I stood in front of the very person I had been thinking of. "K-Kakashi." I said, stepping back and looking around. I was out front of a house, and he was getting mail from a mailbox.

He looked a bit uneasy. "What are you doing here?" He asked, narrowing his eyes.

I panicked. "I was just walking." I said it fast and then looked back at the house. It did look familiar. I looked back at him and laughed nervously. "Sorry, I wasn't paying attention. Uh, having a good day?" I tried to make the conversation casual. Maybe if I talked to him more...

It was like he knew what I was doing; he turned slightly away. "Uh yeah, it's been alright, but I have to get ready to leave on a mission tomorrow, so I need to get some rest." He said quickly, turning to leave, "Have a good night; you should head home; it's getting dark; it's not safe at night." His voice trailed off slightly darker as he glanced to the woods.

I followed his eyes and then went to ask something else, but he was going inside already. I turned quickly and was embarrassed. I headed back toward home.

I paused as a dangerous thought went through my mind. He was hiding something. It was so clear. He said he was leaving...


I tapped my foot as I called Sakura. Her phone rang.

"Hello?" A voice picked up, an older female.

"Is Sakura there?" I asked, hopeful.

"Oh no, sorry, she just left a few days ago for a mission with her team. Is this Mori?"

I faked being surprised. "Oh, I didn't know. Sorry. Do you know when they will be back?" I asked it to dig for information. "And yes, this is Mori."

She laughed a little. "Ah, okay, she said you might call because she forgot to let you know. They should be back in two days; I'll let her know you called."

"Thanks so much; have a nice day."

"You as well, honey." She said it, and then the call ended.

I let an excited breath out and went to the door, seeing it was getting darker out. I almost felt giddy; I was about to break into someone's house. Hmm, maybe I had a problem.

I pulled on my shoes and a hoodie, grabbed a small flashlight, shoved it in my pocket, and took a drink of water before heading out the door. I waited for it to get darker and then left, taking the side road to Kakashi's.

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