The endless struggle

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The next week was much the same; we spent time together, but we seemed to avoid the topic of separation. He kept his distance, and I tried to honor it. Finally, we seemed calm again. He would spend the night sleeping on my floor and say the bed was too small. He only left when he had to work, and I did the same, but he would pick me up from work. I was too nervous to bring it all up again, but as time went on, I became restless. I needed an answer—a promise, something.

I worried all day and night that he would vanish or delete my brain. It was seriously stressing me out, and there were so many unanswered things...

I tiredly did the dishes, waiting for him to come to my place. I also hated that. I hated this place. I wanted to go home, but I had to convince him or something.

"You aren't sleeping well; are you having nightmares?" Kakashi's voice came from the table.

I turned, smiling at him tiredly. I was getting used to it a little. "I don't have dreams anymore, not since... yeah, that night. But, uh, I'm stressed, Kakashi..."I said it truthfully: I was too tired to be shy and nervous.

He looked concerned. "You are so stressed that it is affecting your sleep? What is so wrong?" He asked, bewildered.

I almost wanted to throw the plate at him. I shook my head. Maybe he didn't understand me. "I am stressed because, at any given moment, you can decide to kick me to the curb..."I mumbled, going back to the dishes.

"What? I would hardly compare letting you live as a normal girl to kicking you to the curb, Mori." He said it sternly.

I looked at him unamused and said, "Oh? Then we can disagree on something. You know, it might not even work. Come to think of it." I said, smirking, then frowned. "Or maybe you will make me a vegetable this time." I grumbled, "Great. Another reason to worry."

He was silent. I glanced, then went wide-eyed. I smirked a little. Oh, I had gotten him. He looked wide-eyed and caught off guard. I was right... "With that look, you almost look like you're upset that you can't run off. Kakashi, seriously, I am not holding you here. I want to be with you, not chain you down." I said it, feeling sad again.

He rolled his eyes and said, "Mori, don't test my temper. If I were a normal human man, I would have made you my wife." He said it angrily, but his words shocked me.

The plate in my hand slipped, falling into the water, thankfully not breaking. Wife? ME? Him? I felt like my brain was fried.

He huffed, looking at me annoyed, then it shifted to concern: "You are actually surprised. Had you not even thought of that?" He asked.

Thought of that? Marriage... "No, I was just ready to be by your side until I died, which I suppose at the end of the day is partly the same." I said it thinking. "I imagined that someday we would leave... someday... we would be...hmmm...then...hmmm... uh...I knew eventually I would have to play as your mother or grandma... I could understand if by then you didn't want to deal with me." I said it with a deep nod.

I turned around, and Kakashi was looking at me so full of emotions. "You don't want to be turned?" He asked, unsure.

I tilted my head and said, "I had not thought of it seemed to be against it." I said it with an unsure look.

He looked almost thankful, but he still sighed. "Well, at least that's off my worry list." He said it, then looked down at me. "I think I should finally take you on that journey. I have a few missions I would love your help with today." He said it with a closed-eye smile.

I tilted my head. I suppose he would finally show me his worries. "Alright." I said it willingly. I could give him that much, at least.

He sighed, "Thank you."

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