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I stood there for a few seconds, looking around, kind of freaked out. I had never teleported before. It felt odd and made my stomach hurt to be truthful. I held my stomach awkwardly, waiting for something to happen.

I looked toward the dark hallway. I was almost too scared to move. My mind flashed through all the different horrors that could happen. Most of them seemed impossible. But as I stepped forward, my heart raced in fear. I was scared that Hatake would jump from the shadows for some reason.

I hadn't realized it was so late, and my stomach grumbled from hunger. I ignored the usual stomach pains as I walked to the first door in sight and knocked on it lightly. No response... I turn the knob, shaking... I had no idea what would be on the other side.

I looked into the room and sighed with relief as I realized it was an empty bathroom. I pushed the door open more, stepping in and flicking on the light.

The bathroom lit up. I closed the door behind me, frowning at the realization that the door had no lock. "Uh, oh," I whispered to myself. I thought about it for a second and decided to just deal with it for now. This just wasn't a good room to go and hide in. I noted it for the future.

I sat my bag on the sink and opened it, pulling out my nightgown from the village. It was pretty, but it brought back terrible memories. I shook them away as I pulled it over my head. It is just clothing. I told myself, like I always did.

I put my dirty clothes into my bag and left the bathroom, turning the light out and closing the door behind me. I paused in the hallway, listening. It was silent... A little too silent.

Maybe I should check the other rooms; maybe I'm alone. I looked down the dark hall again, getting second thoughts. "Maybe later," I whispered to myself.

I decided to just go lay on the couch or floor or something. I walked into the dark living room, and eventually I found the light. I frowned at the sight of a beanbag chair, but nothing else was in front of the TV.

I was a little surprised, but then again, with a guy like Kakashi, I wasn't surprised he was alone. He would only need one seat.

I sat on it awkwardly; it was pretty big to me but no place to sleep. I yawned and groaned as I got up out of the beanbag chair. My wound still hurts really bad.

I thought about going to find Kakashi, but the fear of confronting him kept me in the living room for the time being. His cold eye stared at me in my mind. I laid on the floor, holding my bag to my chest, and dozed off.

++++ time skip++++

"Uh... Mori, why are you on the floor?" I hear a voice call to me from my sleep.

I sat up, rubbing my eyes, and looked around, confused and fearful. I spotted Sakura in the living room doorway. I waved, "Good morning, Sakura! How are you?" I was happy to see her, even relieved.

She stared at me for a moment, her eyes searching for any hidden reasoning. "Morning, I'm good. So why are you on the floor?" She asked with a sad smile.

I shrugged. "I fell asleep here." I said, getting up and stretching.

She looked pissed. "What?! He made you sleep on the floor." She yelled. She cracked her knuckles. Looking ready to kill.

I frowned. "Uh no. He vanished." I said it curiously. I said it, looking around awkwardly. Nothing had changed; he was still missing.

She looked no less mad. "Get dressed; we are going to the hostel!" She ordered. Her cheeks puffed out, and her face was slightly red.

I smiled a little. "It's alright, Sakura, this is nice. I usually... well. It is better to take my word. I just passed out." I lied, smiling at her. I didn't like seeing her mad for some reason; it was new to me.

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