Nothing but trouble

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I wrapped my arms around myself to keep warm. It had been about two hours, and the cold had seeped through the jacket I was wearing. My nose and face felt frozen. I swear, I have never been so cold in my life. I took a step toward Kakashi, who was standing a little away, heading toward Hokage's. He turned to me, watching as I caught up.

I stepped on something hard. Then bam! I smacked my face down into the snow. I would find the only icy spot on the snow. I heard the crunching of snow as Kakashi hurried over to me.

"Are you alright?" He asked, going to help me, but stopped once I pushed up out of my indent.

I grumbled, "I'm fine." But as I stood up in my little indent and took a step forward, my feet went underneath me. I gasped as I fell. What the hell?!

I yelled until I hit the ground with an unnerving crack. I lay there in shock for a while. My head spun, and I was afraid to move.

" Mori?!!" Kakashi yelled in horror.

I sat up and gasped at the pain in my shoulder. I looked around... I was in... A cave? What the?! There was.... My body froze, and the blood drained from my face.

There were dead bodies!!!!! I stood up and stepped back in horror. I couldn't even scream! Pain shot through my ankle, making me freeze again.

" Mori! Answer me! Are you alright?" Kakashi yelled down to me.

" No!" I cried out. It was all I could manage.

I heard the movement of air, then Kakashi landed in a crouch a few feet in front of me from the hole in the ceiling.

I was shaking; my eyes locked onto the little girl's dead ones.

Kakashi stood and looked at me. He sighed, taking in a breath, and then became rigid. He looked like a statue out of the corner of my eye. He turned, looking at where I was, then suddenly stood in the way.

My teary eyes went up to his. I was leaning on my good leg, holding my shoulder. I felt light-headed as well.

Kakashi... Seemed off... He was rigid and extremely silent. Even as he moved toward me. "Stay still, Mori." He said it finally. His voice even seemed off, on edge.

I was shaking like a leaf. "I feel dizzy." I said it weakly. My voice was so faint that I thought he might not have heard it. Suddenly, my legs gave out, and I fell forward. But Kakashi caught me roughly.

He leaned into me with heavy breathing. "You... Your..." He panted.

I whimpered as he leaned on my shoulder.

He froze. "You're losing blood." He touched my leg and lifted his hand. He lifted it to his face. As his face started to blur, I thought I saw him swallow. My vision faded black as he stood staring at my blood shining on his hand.


A voice called out from the darkness, "Your trouble..." I heard Kakashi sigh close by.

My eyes fluttered open, and I stared at the ceiling, drained. I felt heavy, like someone was sitting on my chest.

"Uh..." I groaned.

The room was suddenly more silent than it was before. I turned my head, looking around. No one was there...

Had I been imagining Kakashi? I let my head relax, staring at the ceiling again.

"Hello?" I called out.

When no one answered, I felt alone. I used all my strength to sit up. I closed my eyes as a wave of tiredness flooded over me. I leaned against the pillows. My head fell forward, and my mind fell forward into darkness.

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