Fresh start

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The next morning, I woke up suddenly, feeling the aches from the event from days ago. I rubbed my face as I walked from my bedroom into the kitchen. I barely noticed Kakashi as I half-blindly walked to the fridge. I was so thirsty and craved milk.

There was a low growl from behind me; it sent a shiver up my spine and made me turn to the rigid and hungry-looking Kakashi. I stepped back, confused. "What?" I asked, unsure. My voice was tired and worn.

He stared at me, angry and yet amused. "Pardon me, how should I react to you having no pants on?" He asked it emotionlessly.

I stared at him, dazed for a second, then my brain screamed awake. I went wide-eyed, and I looked down. I was indeed only wearing my underwear and a tank top. My face went into flames, and I dropped the milk, sprinting past him. I reached my room in 2 seconds flat.

I yanked on PJ shorts and a hoodie... Paced for like 5 minutes... Once my heart had gotten to a reasonable pace, I opened my door and walked out, my face red as hell. I was so embarrassed; how could I have let that happen? I thought about how hot I had gotten last night.

Kakashi looked at me as I walked in. "Better, but the less skin you show, the better." He said this, looking at his paper.

I stared at him and felt bad. The feeling... I knew this feeling, but it was different. I felt unwanted and ugly. Perhaps he found me unattractive.

He looked up and then sighed, "What?" He asked.

" nothing..." I said it and bit my lip, looking sad at him. Couldn't he pretend to at least like me a little?

His eyes flashed red, and he grabbed his cup. "Harder and harder." He mumbled.

I turned around and started cooking, ignoring him. I sat at the table eating pancakes when he took another drink.

"Is that blood?" I asked curiously. It was the first time I had seen him drink or eat anything.

He looked up and said, "Oh yes. Usually I have to wait until you sleep to drink." He told me. "But since you know... I'm sorry I should have asked."

I went over and picked it up, gazing into it. "Don't you get grossed out?" I asked, putting it back down.

He stared at me, amused. "Well, after a couple hundred years, you get used to it." He told me to watch me.

I hmm'd, "Well, you said you have not been drinking living human blood... How come?" I asked.

He closed his eyes. "Killing innocent people... It wore down my soul." He said it in a serious voice. He looked very tired suddenly.

I frowned, then tapped my chin. "Well, you're a ninja; you have to go kill bad guys... Why not drink their blood?" I asked, confused. I didn't like the idea of people dying, but...

His eyes popped open. "I hadn't thought of that." He whispered. Then he shook his head and said, "It's too risky. I'll get caught."

I shook my head. "No way. There are people you have to kill and get brutally murdered. So what if you drain their blood?" I said it in a soft voice, and I was surprised he really had not thought about it yet.

He looked at me, worried. "Uhh.. Mori..."

I stopped looking at him and asked, "What's wrong?" I was confused.

He sighed. "Your..."" He tried to think, then shook his head. "Oh nothing..."

I shook my head. "What's the difference? A ninja who kills bad guys or a vampire who kills bad guys to survive?" I shrugged, feeling the hair on my arms sticking up at the thought. "I'm scared; don't worry. I'm not stupid, but I also trust you." I looked at him and then down. "You're the first person to be so nice to me." I said it, twisting my hair around my finger.

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