A heart

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I groaned, lifting my head. My head was spinning, and my ears rang. I opened my eyes, but my vision was doubled. I could see a restrained Kakashi. The room was so bright. He was yelling at me.

I tried to reach out, but then I realized I was restrained. I was hanging up, almost like I was crucified. What?

There was a man. He looked otherworldly. He had pointed ears much like mine, but he was tall and elegant. But he pulsed with power. Such strong power.

He turned to me and said, "You poor child... I don't blame you for any of this, but your life was given back to you when it shouldn't have been." He said, reaching out to touch my face, "This man loves you quite a bit." He said this, sighing. He looked at me closely. "You resemble her so much; it is remarkable. It is part of the ritual after all... to find a mortal in the likeness of the one you plan to trap."

My skin felt like it was on fire, and my nerves started to get to me. I didn't like this. I felt afraid. I could taste death. Was he going to kill me?

My ears still rang. I looked at Kakashi slowly. His face was full of desperation. He was shouting, but his voice didn't reach me. Oh, Kakashi. I felt tears. How things change...

The man chuckled, "Actually, you haven't aged in 300 years... but you don't remember most of it... since you are an unnatural being... you glitch sometimes... you see..." He explained it.

I looked at him in disbelief. What?

He smiled. "You had escaped before... Do you remember? No, you walked the plains for about 20 years before they got you again. It was a shame no one was able to remove your seal sooner." He glanced toward Kakashi. I realized that the man was hovering in the air.

The look on Kakashi's face told me he could hear us. He looked guilty. He realized that if they had never removed the seal, we could have actually been together forever. What a cruel joke...

He turned back to me and said, "I am Onlen; if you haven't been made aware..." He pushed the hair from my face.

"K-Kashi..." I tried to speak, but I felt too weak.

Kakashi's eyes went to me...

Onlen turned to me. The shirt he gave me turned to ash as he touched it.

I closed my eyes. I could feel it. The seal was as the minutes had passed by. It had been clicking open. Is that why I was so weak? He said I wasn't even meant to be alive; it was the force that was keeping me alive that was slipping away.

I felt dazed. Images flashed through my mind. Memories. Years.

"Ah...it is time... I am sorry, I really am." Onlen reached forward. His fingers went into my stomach. That surprisingly didn't hurt, but the next part did. He pulled, and I screamed. I was shocked as light shot out from the markings and a woman came forth from my body. Was it me? No, it was someone like me.

It was like I was floating above water, seeing myself. As the second passed, the woman in front of me became more solid. Her eyes stayed closed for what seemed like forever.

"Why do you hesitate, sister?" Onlen said, surprised. "Don't tell me you have actually come to care for your vessel..."He said, teaching it to touch the woman. There was a look of almost disapproval in his eyes.

I was just barely holding on. I felt like a ghost in the room.

Her eyes snapped open. Her eyes seemed like moonlight. "Onlen..." She spoke his name. Her voice was silky. This being had been in me. Sure...

She turned to look at him and said, "Brother, you always lacked love for humanity." She turned back to me. She reached out, taking my face in her hands. "Mori, you don't deserve this..." She said, Sad.

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