The horror

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Weeks passed quickly in the same routine. For the most part anyway, except after I tripped over a rug and busted my knee open on the corner of a bench... My blood stained the carpet. That rug vanished the next day, and I was not allowed in my room as much. I was allowed at certain times, mostly when Kakashi was away or sleeping. But any time he was home, I was to be in my room. He said I was too clumsy for my own good.

At first, I didn't mind too much; it gave me time to mentally adjust to being in a different place. I was getting used to not being so on edge all the time, at least not like before. I had a bit of a clearer mind and was able to enjoy being. Hmm, what could I call happiness? I was mostly at peace... I just wanted to be able to go out and be normal.

I spent most of my time reading books, even recipe books. I read over the history of the village and focused on getting decently good at writing. I was lucky that I knew how to read. I loved the ability to learn; I found that about myself. I loved reading, but I longed to run—for fun, not for my life.

Thirst crept into my thoughts. I looked at the clock, and it was late. I wanted some water. I frowned. Even with my growth, I was still a nervous, shy reck. I suppose that's just who I was... I got up, slowly walking across the room, and opened my door, peeking into the dark hall. He had ears like a hawk. Honestly, Kakashi has senses that would be considered extreme compared to everyone else.

I tiptoed across the room, almost holding my breath. I just wanted a glass of water. My throat was unbearably dry. It was stupid, really, but I couldn't get back to sleep like this. I debated turning the light on, but decided I would most likely trip or make a mess without it.

I heard movement up the stairs and took a breath, staying as calm as I could. I quietly made my way to the cabinet and grabbed a glass. I closed it and headed toward the sink to get some water.

"What are you doing?!" Kakashi snapped at me.

He scared the daylights out of me, making me scream and drop the glass. I grabbed at my chest and whipped around toward him. My heart hammered loudly in my chest, making my head spin. "Kakashi!" I said his name rather loudly, then looked down at the shattered glass.

He folded his arms, shifting his weight. "I asked you one thing: just not leave your room after 10 p.m.; why do you have to go against it?" He said it, glaring at me. It made my heart pound again.

I folded my arms and glared back. I was trying to be tough. "I was getting a glass of water, Hatake! I'm also not a child... I know this is your house, but I feel like I'm your pet, not a person." I said it looking down, feeling my facade slip away quickly. It had been weeks since I tried to leave, but all he did was lock me up and never let me out.

He was silent for a while. "You need to follow the rules, Mori. Your life might be at risk otherwise." He said he was still annoyed, but not as angry.

I looked up at him, sad, and said, "Yes, you always say that." But I shouldn't have to sneak around getting glasses of water." I said it shyly as I went to get a broom.

"Just get another glass and go to bed." He said it sternly. "I'll clean it up." He said, reaching the closest first. He seemed anxious. Oh, he thinks I am clumsy, right?

I felt angry, which was honestly still new to me. I felt my bottom lip shake a little, and my face heated up. I let out a huff of breath. I folded my arms, staring up at him. Then I shoved past him to get water, and I nearly bounced off his solid structure. But I grabbed my new glass and stoked off to my room.

I closed my door. It was loud, but not quite a slam. Then I drank most of my water. I got back into bed and stared at the ceiling as I listened to Kakashi move around. After it grew silent, I finally began to relax. Why was he like this? Something was off about him. He was hiding something.

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