Blood stains

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I ran across the water, and it splashed every detection as I did. I didn't care at the moment... My goal was to get as far away from Kakashi as I could. He had been able to control himself enough for me to run. I didn't know what he would do. The look on his face ... was pure bliss.

I shivered rather from the cold water or the thought. I climbed out of the river, using a vine to get out. I panted, looking back. Nothing yet. I turned and started jogging. I sighed as I reached a road. Someone was walking down it with a child. When they spotted me, they screamed, grabbing their kid and running away.

I stared after them, shocked. I looked down and frowned. I was soaked and covered in blood. I could see blood in my hair as well. I turned around, running back toward the river. I reached the river and jumped in.

I started scrubbing at my clothing, trying to get the blood out. It was no use; I started rinsing my hair, trying to get the blood out frantically. I turned to look at my surroundings and froze completely.

Kakashi was crouching only a few feet away from me at the water's edge on the other side, watching me with blazing red eyes. I felt true fear... I stepped back into the waist-deep water. Was he?

He was like a statue for a moment, unmoving and rigid, but he relaxed slowly as the water rushed past me. His gaze went softer, but his eyes stayed red. "I won't hurt you." He said it, trying to comfort me.

I instantly let a breath out and went back to rinsing my hair out.

"Your clothes are screwed." He said it slowly, standing up.

I nodded and dunked my hair in the water, getting the blood out of it. "I scared some lady to death coming out of the forest." I said it once I had resurfaced. He was much worse off than me. "You should at least wash your face off, Kakashi," I said, washing my own, then climbing out of the water. I was 5 pounds heavier thanks to the water.

I turned to Kakashi as he pulled down his mask and started washing his face. After that, he made his way across the water. I watched him, already drained from today.

"Lead the way." I gestured. Frankly, I would have gotten lost anyway.

He headed into the forest toward the road without saying a word. My shoes squashed as I walked. It was pretty hot out, so I should be dry in no time.

"Did anyone get away?" I asked, running my fingers through my wet hair.

He didn't turn to me and say, "No." He answered simply.

I frowned and looked around, then gasped, tackling Kakashi forward as an arrow shot through the air. It nicked my arm but otherwise shot past us.Kakashi growled, but I held onto him as I looked at a younger guy running toward us.

"I'm so sorry! I was aiming for the deer when you guys came out of nowhere!" he said, shocked.

I waved him off, "No worries! Just be more careful next time! Now get going!" I said it fast.

The boy looked at us, worried, but nodded and ran past us to chase down the deer.

I slowly let Kakashi go, but that was my mistake. I was pinned to a tree in a crushing grip. Kakashi had his mask down, and his eyes were bright red still. He had fangs. He actually had fangs. Oh god. I realized how much danger I was in.

"Kakashi- '' my voice shook, but then he was taking my arm and licking the blood that was dripping down my arm.

I froze up in horror, and his grip tightened. I was going to have bruises if I survived this. I stayed perfectly still as he savored my blood. I then watched as he licked my cut, and it healed. He yanked away, then turned, walking away briskly.

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