Snowed in

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I woke to an unfriendly chill. I sat up, feeling it in my bones. I shivered and pulled the blanket tighter. Rubbing my eyes, I climbed out of bed and grabbed my jacket. I pulled it on and put a pair of socks on. It was so cold... Why was it so cold?

I walked out of the room and down the hall. Oh right, it had snowed... I went to the balcony from the living room and stared in horror at the snow piled up against the doors. It looked like a bowl.

I went to a window, rubbing the fog away, to look out. Oh, it's still snowing... This looks bad. I frowned... There were several feet of snow... Enough to block doors and lower windows.

I bit my lip, not sure what to do. I knew it was cold... What happened to the heat? I walked around, looking for a thermostat. I found it and saw it would be a decent 74 degrees... I was confused.

I went into the kitchen and went to flick on the light, but nothing happened. "Oh no," I said, feeling the panic rise in me. I'm stuck in a house alone with no heat, and I was snowed in. I would even be glad to have Kakashi here at this point.

I decided to make a warm fortress of doom. I pulled all the blankets into the living room and piled them on the beanbag chair. Then I got all the pillows, even from Kakashi's room.

I stared at the fireplace... Uh, I had no idea how to do that. Wood right? Frozen trees popped into my mind. Hmm. That's not going to work. I had never dealt with fire like that before.

I sat in my pile of blankets, wrapped up nice and warm. I mean, most of the food I had gotten would last a while since it was meant for it in case this happened.

But it's the rest I'm worried about.

+++time skip+++

It's been two days, and it finally stopped snowing. I was reading the next make-out tactics book. It was a heated romance. I liked it, but I could never let anyone know.

It was dark out and had to be cold. I wonder when the heat will get turned back on. I heard something fall over and jumped up. I froze in fear, grabbing the bluntest and best thing I could grab in the room. It was a fire poker.

I held it ready to swing as I went to the source of the crash. I shook as I walked, the poker vibrating in my hands.

I left my room, pulling open the door and coming out of the room slowly. It was so damn dark! I walked into the kitchen... Had it been here? I heard something behind me and whipped around. My heart was pounding so hard in my ears that it was making me feel dizzy.

I swung with a gasp, but my weapon was grabbed, and a lamp was lit next to me. I screamed at the sight of a bloody Kakashi. I stumbled backwards and saw something falling on the floor.

I crawled backward in horror. The shadow cast over Kakashi, and he was soaked in blood; he looked like he had bathed in blood.

He stared at me, shocked for the most part, still holding onto the end of the poker. He dropped it with a loud clunk and stared at me, worried.

"Why is it so cold in here?" He asked, and he glanced up at the lights.

I was surprised by the lazy, worried voice he had. I stared at him, like that's not the problem! But I answered in a fearful voice, "I've been snowed in... The power went out a few days ago." I was shaken as his eyes cast down at me.

He frowned down at me and said, "There's a backup generator in the basement." He said it as if I should have known.

I felt my face flush, I felt hot, and so on! "How was I supposed to know!? I didn't find a basement! I've been alone since you left me here!" I yelled at him, tears streaming down my face. I had never been this way before. "I thought I was about to die!" I cried out. I was frustrated and scared. I guess I was never allowed to be frustrated without punishment. The thought made me shrink back. I was going to get punished for lashing out, wasn't I?

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