Voice in the wind

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I kicked a rock as I headed down the path to my house. The wind was picking up, and I could see clouds shifting in the dark sky. I wonder if it was going to storm.

Come back

I stopped whipping around. Okay, I know I heard something that time. Before at the park, I thought I had been crazy, but I had heard it then as well. The voice in the wind—what was that? I heard a medley then... piano? It was coming from the forest.

I was walking toward it before I could even realize it. I felt so drawn to it. It was a sweet, delicate song. I had heard it before. My mind seemed to slip away as the seconds passed.


I jolted awake. What a weird dream... I rubbed my face like usual, but then I froze... I looked down at my hand, covered in dirt. I was lying in a dirt patch. I looked around... What the...

It was surrounded by trees. The forest was dense; it was different from the forest near the village. Where was I? I was covered in dirt and sweat. I remembered the music. Oh god, had I followed it? Why? It reminded me of when Kakashi used his mind control on me. Was it something similar?

I grunted as I stood up. I was sore and starving. My stomach grumbled, and my lips felt so dry. I wrapped my arms around myself and tried to see if there was any noise.

It was mostly silent—the sound of squirrels and birds, but nothing else. I could see the broken twigs where I had come from; should I head that way again? I shivered as panic started to set in. I turned and headed back or toward where I had been going before. I need to get water first of all.

I walked for a while, and soon the sun was coming up over the treetop. I stopped a few times to rest but tried to keep going. My legs burned from the constant walking.

I paused when I thought I had heard something. Oh! I heard water! I gasped and started running toward the noise. It got louder and louder. I burst from the trees and skidded to a stop. A waterfall! I ran to the water's edge, and seeing crystal-clear water, I started to drink Quickly. God, I was so thirsty...

I dove into the water and soaked in the coolness. It felt good against the soreness and the hot sun. I sighed deeply and then started to take in my surroundings.

It was an enchanting spot, and the waterfall was huge. But I don't remember seeing any waterfalls like this in the documentation of the area around the leaf village. I did not like this. How far was I from home?


I froze, looking up at the waterfall. There was a figure at the top. The music started again. "No!" I shouted. What time was it? God, I hoped Kakashi could follow my trail. He should be coming to pick me up from work soon. How long would it take for him to realize this?


I started to walk from the water unwillingly. No. I tried to turn back to the way I had come, but it was plain to see that whatever was controlling me was not going to let up.

I walked toward the stone wall. What was it? No way... I started to scale the wall. The music grew louder, and it was like my mind was swept away yet again.


I sat up again, startled. I gasped for air...

I looked around; where was I now?! I sucked in air, hissing as my hands stung. I couldn't see very well wherever I was, but I knew my hand felt injured and raw.

My mind went to the wall I had been scaling before I was lost again... I cringed. Had I cut my hands then? It would not surprise me. I got to my feet, and a dizzy feeling washed over me. I was hungry. My lips were dry again, but at least I knew I had drunk something before.

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