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𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐈 opens up her car door and steps out, you take that as the opportunity to open your side up

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𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐈 opens up her car door and steps out, you take that as the opportunity to open your side up. When you stepped out of the car all that you hear is the constant chatter of the groups of people outside waiting to get in.

You sigh inaudibly thinking about how long it would take to get into the bar, you would be standing here forever. As you're looking at the line you feel Namis hand grab at your arm and pull you a different direction, you look at her with a puzzled stare.

"You really think we'd be waiting in that line?" She laughed as your group stood in front of a door that's at the back of the building, it looked a little sketchy but you trust Nami and Robin to not murder you in the back of a shady bar.

Robin takes a lanyard out of her purse with a couple of keys hanging of it and picks one of them to unlock up the door ahead of her, she opens the door and steps inside of the bar, and you all follow in a single follow line.

As you walked into the back you noticed it was significantly quieter then the front of the place all you could hear was the faint mumbling from the outside and it had a lot less people. It had a sort of locker room look to it with the lockers being a cool blue color and the benches being the same, maybe it was a vip entrance of some sort? You also noticed two men going at each other throats and they hadn't seamed to noticed your arrival.

One guy was a tall blonde that had hair covering one of his eyes and funny looking swirly eyebrows, he had on a neat looking suit and his expression looked of pure annoyance. The man who was squabbling with him was a man green hair and olive skin he had three gold earrings hanging on the left side of his ear and on the same side a scar running down his eye sealing it shut and he too had an angry look on his face. Someone  should really stop them before things get physical outside of the arena.

"Don't worry about those two idiots, they're always like this." Nami commented, having seen the look on your face. She walks up to said men and hits them right on their head yelling profanities at them, that seemed to shut them right up, after she says something out of earshot and all of them look up at you, you freeze at the sudden attention before all three of them start walking towards you.

"Now, who is this lovely lady?" The blonde says while staring right into your eyes and bowing while extending his hand towards you, you could have sworn you'd seen hearts in his eyes, it was probably the light playing tricks they were pretty dim. You hesitantly put your hand in his and gasp in surprise when you feel his lips on the top of your hand.

"You're scaring her you pervert." The greenette next to him scoffs and rolls his eyes sassily, sensing another fight coming up Robin interrupts before things could escalate.

"This is Zoro." She points to scar face, who still had an irked look on his face, you wonder if that was his default.

"And Frank Sinatra over there is Sanji." She gestured towards the blonde who was still looking at you and now Robin with a love sick look on his face.

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