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𝐈𝐓𝐒 scary how no matter how much you try to rid him of your thoughts he keeps coming back, he's like a bad addiction and you have no idea how to stay sober

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𝐈𝐓𝐒 scary how no matter how much you try to rid him of your thoughts he keeps coming back, he's like a bad addiction and you have no idea how to stay sober.

The events of the day kept repeating in your mind like a broken record while you got yourself cleaned up in the shower, maybe you should just call Luffy and cancel on him now to save yourself from the impending embarrassment that was most definitely going to happen in the ring, but you'd feel bad since he is going out of his way to teach you how to fight and you definitely need those lessons.

You pace around your now clean kitchen and wait for the boy to inform you that he was downstairs. Your dressed in red biker shorts that cling to your body tightly showing off all your curves and a black t-shirt that reaches to your thighs, you had a sports bra underneath just in case it got too hot.

You see your phone light up from the corner of your eye with Luffy's contact displayed on the screen indicating his arrival, you grab the phone from your counter top without bothering to pick up and place your hand on the door and sigh preparing yourself for the enigma that is Monkey D Luffy.

You head downstairs and see the boy standing in the middle of the Little Garden harassing Law who opened up not too long ago and was working the counter, you were too far away to hear what Luffy was saying but you assume it was something regarding food knowing the ravenette.

He notices you coming out from behind the counter and leaves the tattooed man alone to walk to you with open arms, Law sends you a look of appreciation and you shoot him a small smile, Luffy reached you and wrapped his arms around you shoving your face in the side of his neck, smelling his musky sent made your head spiral, he pulls away abruptly and looks at you with a big smile making you even more dizzy then you were before.

"Hey sugar, I missed you! I was just telling Traffy how he should give us some food before we go, can't fight on an empty stomach!" Luffy cheered but you could hardly hear him through your daze so you just nod your head absentmindedly, he looks toward Law and yells something at him, you couldn't hear since your eyes were locked on his lips, mesmerized by the way they were moving, your whole being demanding you to close the gap and kiss him like you were supposed to do upstairs before you were rudely interrupted by the fire alarm.

You hardly notice him turn back to you until he calls your name for the umpteenth time, you jump up from your haze and see the straw hat boy looking at you with confusion written all over his face, shit, he caught you staring, you haven't even been around him for five minutes and your already making a fool of yourself.

"Traffy asked you a question, Ya' okay?" You nod your head quickly in embarrassment and look to the tired man awaiting his question, the man in question looks at you with a disgusted look on his face as to say 'him? Really?' You roll your eyes feeling your face flush at the thought of you being so obvious with your crush.

"Your question?" You ask impatiently wanting to get out of this embarrassing situation already, you were practically eating Luffy with your eyes, right in front of Law of all people, you want to crawl in a hole and die now. He shakes his head dismissively telling you to forget it and just hands you the food that Luffy had asked for.

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