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𝐋𝐔𝐅𝐅𝐘 stayed true to his words and came to the little garden the day after, he mostly just ate all your food and talked your ear off but it was enjoyable nonetheless

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𝐋𝐔𝐅𝐅𝐘 stayed true to his words and came to the little garden the day after, he mostly just ate all your food and talked your ear off but it was enjoyable nonetheless.

Luffy also stopped by a couple more times mostly just to do the same thing he did the last time he was there, drag you out of the little garden and have you,watch him eat ginormous amounts of foods while the two of you talked about what ever you guys were feeling that day.

Today was the day of the party and you were kind of nervous, it wasn't like you didn't like parties but you and loud crowds never really did good, the plus side is Vivi finally decided to come outside with you, you have a suspicion that this has something to do with her new mystery girlfriend that she won't tell you about.

Your thoughts were interrupted by Vivi's voice announcing that you guys have arrived to the party.

It felt like hours before Vivi finally found a parking spot, the whole driveway seemed to be filled with people's cars. Maybe you guys should've came a bit earlier and got a parking spot that was not 10 minutes away from the house, though it wasn't really a house it was more like a mansion, you had no idea Luffy was this rich.

The walk to the party didn't take as long as you thought it would, it was mostly filled with idle conversation and you begging Vivi to tell you who her lover is.

"y/n you're gonna meet her in like ten minutes, can't you be patient?" Vivi scolded you with a playful expression on her face.

"When have I ever been patient?" Vivi looks up in a thinking manner before nodding, realizing you were right, you and patient have never been thought of in the same manner.

As you reach the front of the house you see a familiar head of green hair that was, as usual arguing with a curly eyebrowed gentleman, you haven't seen them in awhile so you run up to them waving your arm around like a crazy person, yelling greetings at them.

"Mademoiselle, how I have missed you, who is this beauty you came with?" Sanji greets you as usual, taking your hand and kissing the back of it before doing the same to Vivi who had a surprised look on her face because of his actions.

"This is my best friend Vivi, Vivi this is Sanji and Zoro." You laugh while introducing the three, they've seen each other occasionally when the boys come to the little garden but they've never been properly introduced.

Zoro gives a small grunt in greeting, not bothering to move his arms from their crossed position and Sanji continues to look at the both of you with heart eyes.

"Hey, where's Luffy at?" You question realizing that he wasn't with the boys like he usually is.

"Last time we saw him he was at the snack table." The greenette grumbled pointing with his thumb behind him at the general direction of the snack table, he had an annoyed look on his face, obviously still irked about the argument he and Sanji just had.

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