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𝐓𝐇𝐄 first thing you noticed when you woke up was the blaring pain in your head, the second thing you noticed was a loud noise coming from your kitchen

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𝐓𝐇𝐄 first thing you noticed when you woke up was the blaring pain in your head, the second thing you noticed was a loud noise coming from your kitchen.

You stand up as fast as you can and search for the knife you keep in your bedside table only to find it missing, you probably misplaced it without realizing, you panicked but decided to confront your intruder anyway.

You have no idea who was in your house but whoever or whatever it was is in for a big surprise, then again you had no clue how to even throw a punch but that didn't matter right now, you quietly stalk towards your kitchen with your fist raised to your face, squinting at the bright sun coming in from the open curtains.

You turn the corner to your dining room and hold your breath as you turn the corner to your kitchen, your heart was beating out of your chest when you saw a figure standing next to your counter and without thinking you throw a pathetic punch at the intruder but unfortunately for you, your hand was grabbed and you were pinned against the counter top facing the wall, you feel a breath on the back of your neck and the hand that was around yours tightening.

"y/n?" You hear a familiar voice in your ear, your heart immediately slowed down at the voice but you feel heat crawling up your neck at the position the two of you are in.

"Luffy?!" The boy released your arm and spins you around, you rake your eyes over his form taking in his appearance, he had a spatula in one hand, flour all over his face and the counters, when your eyes finally meet his he gives you a smile and brings you into a hug.

You had forgotten that you asked him to stay the night last night, the embarrassment was evident in your face now that you'd just attacked Luffy, who was a trained boxer, and failed miserably.

"Hey you're up! I was trying to make you something for your hangover, Sanji makes it for Zoro when he has one." He explains while breaking the hug and waving the utensil around with every word, usually the mess would bother you but you thought it was cute that he was trying to help you even if he obviously had no idea what he was doing.

By the looks of it he was trying to make a basic American breakfast, pancakes, eggs and bacon, seemed easy enough but he was already failing and he hadn't even started.

You let out a sigh and walk up to your medicine cabinet, grabbing a Tylenol for your headache and downing it with some water when your done you scoot next to the boy and he looks at you in confusion.

"Mind if I help out?" You ask, he shakes his head and you gently grab the spatula from his hands then get a bowl to start the process of making the pancake batter.

"You really don't know how to fight." Luffy says nonchalantly, looking extremely interested in the your hands are putting ingredients in to the mixing bowl, you hand him the spoon you're mixing with and he licks the batter clean off.

You look down in embarrassment and shake your head, he was right, if he was a random intruder you would've gotten your ass beat or worse.

"I can teach you!" He shakes your arm while you try to crack an egg into the bowl making the yolk almost fall onto the floor, you sigh in relief when it just barely makes it into the bowl.

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