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𝐘𝐎𝐔 were definitely tired, you had to wake up extra early to clean up the mess from last night, even with all the cleaning you did when opening time came on you were still going at it

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𝐘𝐎𝐔 were definitely tired, you had to wake up extra early to clean up the mess from last night, even with all the cleaning you did when opening time came on you were still going at it. You groan to yourself, you weren't even supposed to be working today, it was your rest day for fucks sake, okay maybe you were overreacting a bit, like you said, it was a problem for future you.

Vivi definitely noticed your bad mood and helped you clean up a bit and that definitely made you feel a bit better.

"So, I've noticed that you've been a little distracted lately." You giggle as she's helping you manage the front, you wiggle your eyebrows at her suggestively as you wait for her answer. Vivi's been acting very faraway lately, looking at the wall with a lovestruck expression on her face and she doesn't even seem to be listening to you when you talk to her sometimes.

She stays silent and puts her head down swiftly so you wouldn't notice her blush but you were quicker than that.

"Ah ha, so there is someone, who is it!" You poke her side a bit trying to probe an answer out of her, honestly you're shocked she didn't tell you because she always tells you about her love life.

"I'm not telling you." She says playfully, trying to dodge your fingers as you continue to poke at her.

"C'mon is it embarrassing or something?" You continue to question her, the curiosity is eating you up, you see her open her mouth to answer but another voice suspended hers.

You heard your name being yelled from the door of the Little Garden so you turn to look where the sound was coming from and see Luffy with the same big smile on his face, you raise your hand to wave at him until you noticed him going in for a different type of greeting.

And before you knew it, the ravenette came running in making a b-line right towards you with his arms extended and a dog on his trail, you tilt your head to the side in confusion before realizing he wasn't stopping or slowing down anytime soon, your eyes widen in shock and you try to move out of the way but unfortunately Luffy was way too fast for that.

Next thing you knew you were on the floor with Luffy laying on top of you trapping you in a hug, Jesus he didn't even look heavy but you felt like there was a bodybuilder on top of you. You wrap your arms around him and return the hug while patting his back trying to get him off of you. You look up to see Vivi on the side struggling to hold in her laughter at your unfortunate situation, you roll your eyes at her, what a help she was.

You don't know if Luffy got the hint or not but  one second you were trapped in a hug and the next he was straddling your waist and suddenly the dog that was following him sat down beside him and started licking your face, you giggle and push the dog away gently before looking up at Luffy who was already looking at you with a smile on his face.

"What are you doing here Luffy?" You ask trying to catch your breath from all the excitement, everyone in the restaurant was looking at you guys with a questioning glare but you didn't care, you were just focused on the smiling boy above you.

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