End of the exam! Ryuga VS Tomura

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As the exam goes on, in the monitor room where there is some students are looking at the Monitor where Izuku and Katsumi are flying toward the exit gate while Kyoya just stares at Izuku's flying, with serious expressions and other students are impressed and speechless to see Izuku blast All Might away

"That's amazing! Midori just blast beam laser from his hand!" said Mina with a surprised expression.

"To be honest, I stop thinking about it... this guy is showing something new one after another" said Jiro as she sighed and shrugged.

"Does he have more than one quirk because it's impossible to use all of this as one qurik only" said Momo as she looked at Izuku with a thinking expression.

"Also they start to work as a team now" said Tsu.

"Yeah! I can finally relax since both of them are starting to work together" said Momo as she sighed in relief.

"I won't say they are working together but for the sake of survival and passing the exam, they have to understand that teamwork is required" said Kyoya.

"That's right, Midoriya is very strong and intelligent, he needs to find some opening and Victory is nothing but a piece of cake to him" said Mina with a smile.

"I doubt that it will be that easy don't forget that sacrifice is optional too, if things go wild then..." said Kyoya as he closed his eyes in a serious expression

"I don't think we know Deku too much.... like he has some great skill but never shows us his true power and he has many secrets but never tells anyone" said Ochako in concern.

"You are Midori's cousin, right? we can as-" said Toru but got interrupted.

"No, I have no right to say anything that is Izuku-nee-sama's secret or anything like that, it's all up to him if he wants to share it then it's his decision not me" said Mayumi as she closed her eyes and crossed her arms.

"Indeed, we shouldn't get into Midoriya's privacy" said Iida.

The girls students are just feeling a little concern for Izuku as they look at Monitor, in a battle area where Izuku and Katsumi are flying toward the escape gate it's too close, although Izuku thinks it's cute then it needs to be but if one of them escape then they pass however Izuku can't help but think about All Might.

"I have a bad feeling about All Might not chasing us... did we knock him out or something?" said Izuku.

"The hell is wrong with you nerd!! didn't you keep saying that there is no way we can beat him, you bastard?! and it's no way for him to get knocked out by that, you idiot! the next time he catches us up, it will be me who is going to blow him away with my gauntlet" said Katsumi with an angry expression and narrowed her eyes.

"I see, and then what?" said All Might with a smile as he appeared between them before they realized it.

Katsumi tried to blast All Might with her gauntlet but All Might quickly punched Katsumi's arm breaking the gauntlet while Izuku tried to do the same but the gauntlet was also broken by All Might's punch and also giving shock pain Izuku's right arm.

(Gah!! that's too fast and the pain from before is weakening me..) thought of Izuku.

"What? Are you guys this surprised? even with these weights, I am nowhere near to my top speed... HA NOW DIE YOU HEROES!" said All Might as he knee-kicked Katsumi to the building.

"Kacchan!" said Izuku as he tried to fly.

But All Might grabbed Izuku's right hand looked at him with a smile and pulled him while Katsumi just charged toward All Might however he slammed Izuku on Katsumi to the ground creating a strong impact while the students in the Monitor room were speechless and shocked to see who All Might deal with them but as dust clear All Might holding Izuku's right arm while stepping at Katsumi's body as she try to get up but All Might put pressure on it make her fall more.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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