Does he have feelings for you?

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ValT Aoi

Valt's Pov.
'Ever since I battled y/n I can't stop thinking about her. Even beybread looks like y/n.... All this thinking is making me..' Steam started to come out of my head and my face turned all red. Honcho Then said "Oi Valt.. what happened!!". I told him about my thoughts of y/n and then he said "buddy I think you got a crush~"
That's how I found out about my feelings for y/n... *Blushes

Shu Kurenai

Shu's Pov.
'The girl who was watching me train has become friends with me. Turns out her name is y/n and she's also a blader. Quite a strong blader. We have been hanging out for a few weeks and I really like her.....maybe more than friends..' thought the albino with a slight red tint on his cheeks

Rantaro kiyama

Rantaro's Pov
'The candy angel- I mean y/n and I have become friends after we met that day. She's a very sweet girl.. and she's pretty...ahh I think I'm starting to like this girl!. In a crush way. Maybe I should confess to her?'

Daigo kurogami

Daigo's Pov.
'Y/n and I seem to have a lot in common but she's also very different from me. She isn't so dark and has cheerful personality. Shouta seems to like playing with y/n too. I wish she'd keep visiting him and hang out with me. I figured I like her more than just friends and she seems to enjoy my company too. I should ask her to be my girlfriend.... after I have get enough courage..'

Wakiya Murasaki

Wakiya's Pov.
"OH NO DOCTOR I THINK I AM DYING" right now I'm at the hospital because something is seriously wrong with me but the doctor just told me to calm down. I then told the doctor "How can I? When my heart rate suddenly speeds up whenever I'm near that girl and my face heats up?!"
"Umm....Mr. Murasaki I don't think that's something a doctor can help you with..." What.. then Hoji who was sitting beside me started telling me "is it y/n? you like her"

Lui Shirosagi

Lui's Pov.
'This can't be happening to me. I don't believe it. There is no way in the world that I- that...I have.. That I l-love that weird... Y/n girl..or let alone anybody. Do I really. No I can't. I need to get my head off of her. I haven't been able to concentrate in beyblade because of it' I thought and then went back into my training room to pull my launcher machine hoping to get y/n out of my head..even for a moment.

Free de la Hoya

Free's Pov.
'Something is wrong with me. I could sleep for 24 hours a day before but now I can only sleep 16 hours? Hmm...this has happened ever since that girl named y/n joined BC sol..' I thought as I spotted y/n! I watch her as she pets my pet deer with a cute smile. 'She is really cute isn't she' I think as my cheeks turn slightly pink
"Ah so you really were the one who took my sleep away" I whisper as I keep watching her..

Fubuki Sumiye

Fubuki's Pov.
'Y/n is a really hardworking girl. She's so passionate about beyblade.  Ever since she joined the team I've liked her. 'Aww man if only she were mine'
Oh no what did I just think. Do I really have a crush on y/n? Well it shouldn't be a surprise. 'Y/n is just so amazing' I keep thinking as I watch her going for a launch.

Suoh Genji

Suoh's Pov.
'I definitely like y/n. Of course I do. She is as pretty as a flower. I need to get to her before anybody else does. Maybe I should prepare a bouquet of her favorite flowers and ask her out to be my girlfriend? Soon of course. Soon y/n will be mine.' I think to myself as I smile.

Anddd done! I had some time on my hand today so I decided to do one more chapter 🤗 I will try to write more chapters as often as I can but you guys can expect to receive at least one chapter per week. Hope you enjoyed it! Vote, comment and follow for more
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