How you hug

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Before starting this chapter just a side note. A new character has been added due to the request of Eggiari . The character is Phi.

Valt Aoi

Valt this cheerful sunshine loves to hug. He'd hug you wherever and whenever not giving a caring about anybody seeing. Actually the first time he hugged you was right after you said yes to being his girlfriend. He just threw his whole body on yours and wrapped his arms around you so tightly and held you there. Valt always finds an excuse to hug you. When he meets you at school, at the end of school, after bey practice, you name it. He just loves feeling the warmth of your body safe and sound in his arms. This guy would really go to the end of the world for you.

Shu kurenai

Actually Shu isn't much of a Pda person at all. He likes to keep his things private and even his love life. Although he wouldn't show much physical affection to you in front of people, at most holding your hand. But shu would most definitely hug you and even cuddle you on top of the couch specially after a long day of practice when it's just the two of you. Shu would often lay on the couch of his house and make you lay your head on top of his chest while running his fingers through your hair. He just loves the comfort of holding you in his arms after a long day.

Rantaro Kiyama

Third Pov.
At first Rantaro was a bit shy to show any kind of physical affection towards you. He'd get very shy at even holding your hand but after he got more comfortable, much like valt he wouldn't mind being affectionate with you even in public places. He'd hug you whenever you two met and whenever he wanted to. He would pull you into his arms all of a sudden and wrap his arms around your waist to hug you close to him.

Daigo Kurogami

After you guys started dating he was actually the one to initiate the first physical contact by holding your hand while slightly blushing which is almost invisible to other people. Daigo also doesn't like to show any Pda but he loves to hug you and hold your hand when there's nobody around. Sometimes when you two meet and there's no privacy, Daigo would call you to another room and give you a quick hug before going back.

Wakiya Murasaki

Wakiya...this guy would freak out at the slightest of skin contact at the beginning. But he was the first one to initiate it too one day by randomly grabbing your hand and turning his head to the opposite direction of you so you wouldn't see his blushing red face. Then one day when you were going home, Wakiya came in behind you and hugged you from the back. You only grabbed his arms that were tightly wrapped around your waist and giggled.

Lui Shirosagi

Lui for once wasn't training and decided to spend some time with his pretty girlfriend by watching the movie of her choice. They were sitting on the couch and watching the movie. Well, only of them was. While y/n was fully focused on watching her favorite movie Lui was only thinking of y/n and glancing at her from time to time. Then he sneakily wrapped on of his arms around y/n's waist and pulled her close to his chest. Y/n yelped  from shocked and blushed from Lui's actions but decided to say nothing and enjoy the rare moment by placing her head on Lui's chest.

Free De La Hoya

After some time of you two dating Free on some random day came and hugged you from the back. He lazily put both his arms over your waist holding you in place and nuzzled his face in the crook of your neck. You were a blushing mess from Free's sudden touch! "F-Free!!" With a stutter you called his name as he replied you with "Shh.... I missed you in my sleep okay?" Ever since that day Free has been dragging you into the forest and cuddling you in his sleep often. Too often. As much as you loved cuddling your boyfriend, you sure couldn't sleep as much as him. But even if you sneakily tried to escape when he fell asleep, it never worked. Because Free always had a strong protective grip around you even while he was asleep.

Fubuki Sumiye

Omg. These two shy love birds didn't know the first thing about how to initiate physical contact. Ofc y/n wanted to do more than holding hands with Fubuki and he wanted the same but they both always shied away from doing anything, until. One day Fubuki and y/n were hanging out and Fubuki took a deep breath before asking the h/c haired girl "h-hey so y/n can I hug you?" To this y/n's eyes widened and cheeks flushed and she said "Yes Fubuki" as she smiled. Fubuki then went closer to y/n and pulled her close to him and wrapped his arms around her back. Y/n returned the hug by wrapping her arms around Fubuki's back.

Suoh Genjir

Suoh practically jumped at you the moment you accepted his confession of love and became his girlfriend. For once Suoh let go of his calm and collective nature just to hug his beautiful girlfriend. Other than that Suoh most of the time won't show pda in front of others but he loves to walk while holding your hand anywhere. He'd also hug you close to him inhaling the sweet sent of your hair while he holds you close to him. Suoh would often hug you and kiss the back of your hand while calling you his "precious flower"


One night you woke up and couldn't find Phi. Concerned you went to find him, and you did. He was standing in the terrace. His beautiful long hair was flowing. You went beside him and asked "What's wrong Phi?" he replied to you calmly "It's nothing my love, You go back to sleep" to which you frowned. You then grabbed his hand and pulled him back to the bed as he just followed you calmly. "Let's try this again" you told him and he asked "what do you mean-" before he could finish you pulled him down to the bed and held him in your arms as you ran your fingers through his long hair. Phi's eyes widened with surprise just for a second before he pulled you closer by grabbing your waist and stayed like that, eventually falling asleep.

Andd done :D this chapter was really fun to write. Thanks for the request Eggiari and I hope you liked it :)
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