When he cooks for you

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Heya dear readers, I'm back with another scenario! I hope you all enjoy this one :D


Valt Aoi

Haha. Long story short Valt wanted to surprise you by baking some beybreads but of course he failed miserably. All of them turned out burnt... But you couldn't say no to his bright smiling face and ended up eating them anyway... The bluenette smiles at you and asks "how is it y/n? I made them all by myself!!". You hesitatingly answer "it's... Very tasty Valt...so tasty I don't think I can eat anymore"

Shu kurenai

Needless to say but Shu Kurenai is a chef. Actually he has cooked for you many times now, ever since you two started dating. Your favorite became his speciality though, Shu's infamous Spaghetti Carbonara. Everytime you eat it you're left with wanting more.
" Do you want seconds, love?" Asked your boyfriend and you reply "of course Shu! I'm so lucky to have you as my lover..". Shu just chuckles at you while serving you some more.

Rantaro Kiyama

Surprisingly, Rantaro actually pulled it off. He invited you to his house for dinner tonight and you came at the scheduled time. Now here you sit as he serves you curry and rice. You take a spoonful and say "Wow it's delicious Rantaro! I didn't know you can cook!".
Rantaro then tells you "ahaha I try". Actually the boy has watched a lot of cooking videos to pull it off, which he didn't tell you out of embarrassment.

Daigo kurogami

Daigo is actually pretty decent at cooking. Well Daigo is on the mature side so it's a given he'd know basic survival skills. Also he has a younger brother to take care of. But when he first cooked for you, you didn't know about his cooking skills much so you were quite surprised. " Wow Daigo, I didn't expect you to be good at cooking" said you and received a playful reply from your partner " what, did you not expect me to cook well?"

Wakiya Murasaki

He didn't cook for you. He made his house chef cook for the both of you. Well...that's what he wanted to do at first but later with the thought of impressing you Wakiya decided to cook for you himself. After getting a few tips from his chef Wakiya made a very fancy looking dish and invited you over for lunch. " Wow this is actually good! " You compliment Wakiya and he says " Of course it is, I made it just for you"

Lui Shirosagi

Lui can cook?... And would cook for you?.. were thoughts that never even came to your mind before. Until today. After practice you went to Lui's place with him and while you were resting Lui went into his kitchen and started cooking. After you noticed him you were shocked frozen. "Lui are you trying to poison me?". Lui then scowls at you and says " This is basic skills that everyone should have. Nothing special, now eat it". Surprisingly his food actually tastes quite good.

Free de la Hoya

At first free didn't want to cook anything as he was very lazy. But after much thought free decided it'd make you happy anyway so it's worth a shot. He decided to bake you cookies, cute right? Thankfully the BC Sol kitchen already had all the ingredients he needed and with the help of Ange the cook of bc sol Free ended up baking amazing cookies. Free and you then enjoyed the cookies sitting in the forest next to each other like a small picnic. Free then thought to himself " Yep, this was definitely worth it, for her"

Fubuki Sumiye

Turns out Fubuki also picked up some cooking skills from Shu. You couldn't believe how amazing the Thai soup he made for you was. " This is amazing Fubuki!" You cheerfully complimented Fubuki's cooking skills. Now with a slight giggle Fubuki replies to you " You flatter me Y/n".
Then he adds "If you'd like, I could cook for you again sometimes..". Of course you weren't gonna let go of such a good offer and say " yes I'd love that Fubuki!".

Suoh Genji

Suoh didn't exactly cook for you. He very expertly made matcha latte for you with so much care you were left amazed. He made sure the matcha was up to your taste. He even considered puting in enough sugar for you. You two drank your latte together over light chats and flirting. " Who'd ever guess you can even make such good latte Suoh~"
Hearing what you said Suoh slightly laughs before replying " Well you have so much more to find out about me~".

Phi Kuromi

Phi prepared tea for the both of you. Turns out Phi actually likes to drink tea. And he wanted to share his precious tea time with you, his lover. So the immortal decided to prepare fragrant tea for the two of you. Now he elegantly severs the tea for you as you stare at him in amazement. "Here have some Y/n". You then take a sip and realize it tastes amazing! " Phi the tea is wonderful!". Hearing your compliment Phi gently smiles and thanks you as he drinks his own cup of tea.


Anddd we're done!! Hope you guys enjoyed reading this chapter and let me know what you think through comments :)

I also want to thank you all for voting, commenting and reading my stories. I really appreciate it you all! Please continue to do so!!

If you have any ideas for a new chapter or character pls leave the request in the comments or inbox me.

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Sun Sets<3

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