The first kiss

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Okay guys this is gonna be another long chapter. Haha an embarrassing thing happened to me while writing it. I was at school when I was writing Valt's one in my dairy but a friend of mine accidentally saw it. Needless to say I was dying with shyness XD. Also Phi is a permanent character now.
Valt Aoi

Valt and you were hanging out at his house. Then his mom came to the room and offered you two beybreads which were happily taken by you two. After you were done eating, you noticed Valt staring at you.Staring very hard. He was actually staring at the little beybread crumb resting on your sweet looking lips. So you asked him " What is it Valt?". Without saying anything Valt reached out his hand to hold your cheek your kissed lips!
You were shocked frozen. Before you could even react you felt valt pushing his lips against yours very slowly and you melted into the kiss... You rested your arms over Valt's shoulder as he kept you two kept kissing each other. After some time Valt finally pulled away and smiled at you. Then he said " You taste just like beybreads y/n". Needless to say you were a blushing mess.  Wow you never thought Valt. THE VALT. Our innocent cinnamon roll could do something like that.

Shu Kurenai

Shu had invited you to his house again after practice to hangout out. Finally when it was your time to go home you got up from the couch and told Shu " it's getting pretty late, I should go now Shu". To your reply Shu said "Wait, I'm coming with you. I'll walk you home". You accepted his offer with a smile and a "Sure". You were walking in front of  Shu and he was behind you. Just when you were about to grab the knob of the door, Shu called out your name just a bit louder than a whisper "y/n" as he pulled you to his chest by your wrist. He gazed into your eyes and then to your lips. "Shu..." your voice escaped the sweet whisper of his name full of curiosity. By now Shu couldn't wait anymore so he put his hand at the back your head and gently titling your head up and pressed his lips onto yours. As he expertly moved his lips against yours, he sneaked his other hand around your waist and held you in place to keep kissing you. You then slowly wrapped both your shaky hands around his neck with a flushed face and kissed him back.

Rantaro Kiyama

Rantaro is with the beyclub .Wakiya started a conversation asking Rantaro "So have you two kisses yet?". This caused the blond boy to flush bright red as he answered with a stutter "W-what!! We...still haven't but I-I'm definitely planning to soon!!". The golden haired boy burst out in laugher and teased his friend by saying "What you still haven't?!!" "Just you wait I'll do it today!!" Said Rantaro in a moment of embarrassment. So as planned he called you over to the bey park as the rest of the beyclub hid behind some bushes. When you finally arrive, Rantaro greets you with a "h-hey y/n" before nervously making his way towards you. But he then accidentally trips on thin air and falls on top of you. When you open your eyes, you realize Rantator's lips....are connecting to yours!! Both of your eyes widen and you two blush at the same time...but after a few seconds you feel Rantaro slowly moving his lips against yours more..and you melt into the they beyclub watch the whole thing.

Daigo kurogami

You and Daigo just visited his brother Shouta at the hospital. After spending some time it was finally time to go home. Daigo then told you " Y/n the sun is setting, let's go home now. After hearing what daigo said you turned to shouta and told him  "I'll come visit you again" and gave each other goodbyes. Now you and Daigo were walking home together. His hand was holding yours gently while walking. When you two almost reached your home, Daigo suddenly stopped walking. You turned your head to him and asked "what is it Daigo?" and he said " You know y/n.. I've been thinking about something recently.." "oh tell me about it?" You urged him to continue . Daigo then took a deep breath before looking around and making sure no one else was around and said "I..want to kiss you...". As his lips left those words both of your cheeks tinted red. You then told him "I.. would love to do it with you Daigo..". After that both of you went closer to each other as he held you by your back and leaned in to kiss you.

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