Where They like to Kiss you

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The title explains it all already so I'll get on with the scenario :) do enjoy!


Valt Aoi

At first Valt was new to these but eventually he got the hang of it. Valt is also very extroverted and expressive so it was quite easy for Valt to engage in physical contact.
Valt loves, I mean absolutely loves kissing your soft cheeks! He once even said that your cheeks remind him of beybreads and that's why he loves them so much. Other than that, he would also give you sweet kisses on the palm of your hand and the back of it to show you how much me cherishes you.


Shu Kurenai

Shu was such a professional at kissing that it was hard for you to believe that it's his first time as you are his first love as well as his first ever girlfriend.
Shu loves kissing you on the lips. Kisses on the lips are the most frequent kisses from him. Before he leaves for work or after he comes home he loves greeting you with a kiss on the lips. His other favorite places are your neck and collarbone.
Shu is a bit possessive so he would intentionally leave hickeys on your neck from time to time.
He would actually do it to tease you and for people to see.


Rantaro Kiyama

Rantaro was very awkward with physical contact at the first stages of the relationship. When he did get use to it, he loved kissing you.
lips and your collarbone are the places Rantaro likes to kiss you .
His kisses would be gentle though so he leaves no marks. To be honest he'd be the one to be embarrassed or teased by his friends if anybody saw you like that. Rantaro is actually naturally more gentle towards you.


Ken Midori

Our ken here was extremely shy about physical contact at first! He would blush 100 shades of red just from holding your hand! It did take him some time to get used to it but you were patient with him.
Just like Valt he loves cheek kisses! Occasionally on the lips too. But this boy is so shy of these things! He'd be blushing whenever you randomly kissed him. In fact he blushes while kissing your cheeks.
His kisses are also very soft and slow, it really shows how gently he treats you.


Daigo Kurogami

Daigo was actually the first one to suggest physical affection. Although he didn't seem to be nervous or shy to you, deep inside his heart he was always nervous about making the first move. In some time he did get comfortable with it though.
Lips and the neck are his favorite.
He actually likes neck kissing even more. But he would be careful to not leave any marks or anything. His kisses are gentle yet passionate. He likes to hold your hands while kissing.


Wakiya Murasaki

Wakiya after his period of denial of showing you affection ended, he became very comfortable with touching you.
He likes to dramatically kneel down and kiss the back of your hand. He feels like a prince while doing it so expect that a lot! His kisses are very passionate, you can literally feel his love when he kisses you. He would definitely make eye contact while kissing your hand and wink at you.

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