How about a date?

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Here it is, the first date requested by Crimson_bladergirl. All of you enjoy and let me know if you liked it!!

Valt Aoi

As for your first ever date with Valt, he invited you to the bey carnival with him! Barely managing to come on time to your place to pick you up, Valt now stand in front of your door. Very nervous but excitedly he rings the doorbell and you open up instantly. Valt then smiles widely and reaches out his hand for you to hold " Y/n hold my hand!". Without a second thought you grab onto your boyfriend's hand and head out for your first date with him. Valt and you spend the whole day looking around different stalls and eating delicious food and of course Valt had to go and battle you.

Shu Kurenai

Shu...Shu, this guy planned the perfect cafe date for you two. He insisted on picking you up from your doorstep to a very well decorated cafe that he knew. He complimented your dress the moment you opened the door for him. You two went there hand in hand. In the cafe, he recommended the best drink for you to have and even ordered for the two of you.
"Yes, she will have the f/d (favorite drink)"
Then while drinking you two chatted and flirted for so long . 'This is the perfect date!' you thought as you went home with Shu walking beside you while holding your hand

Rantaro Kiyama

Rantaro took you to the arcade with him. There you two played various games together. You guys competitively played every game and had loads of fun. To impress you Rantaro even won a plushie from the claw machine. After losing 10 times of course. But you were still happy with the efforts he showed just for you and hey you got a cute plushie out of it. "Heh see I told you I'll get it for you!" Boasted the blond haired boy to his girlfriend happily.

Daigo Kurogami

Daigo and you went to a cat cafe for you two's first date. Actually you brought this topic up of going to a cat cafe and Daigo happened to take notes of it and decided to invite you to a nearby cat cafe for your first date! How considerate of him. After reaching there you two patted and played with various cats. "It would be really nice to have a cat for ourselves one day, right y/n?" Suggested the dark haired boy. This caused you to be slightly surprised and put a smile on your face as you realized Daigo really plans the future with you.

Wakiya Murasaki

Wakiya. He rented the a whole amusement park for a whole day just so you two could enjoy your date at peace together.....okay just kidding. After hearing that you want to go to an amusement park he did suggest the idea but of course you didn't let him do that. And now here you two are at the amusement park as Wakiya is freaking out at the height of every ride. Even with his fear of height he still came all the way here just for you. Just now you playfully put a cat ear headband on Wakiya's head and teasingly say " looking cute aren't you?~" as he madly blushes and complains but secretly loves your attention.

Lui Shirosagi

"What ? A date? No way I'm busy" was the first comment Lui made about taking you on a date. But here he is now, with you at the aquarium. Why the aquarium of all places? Well you dragged him here to show Lui the certain "creature" that apparently looks the same as him. Here you and he now stand in front of the Shark tank, "Lui look it looks just like you!" You excitedly said pointing at a shark and he replied "This isn't funny y/n" then you just giggled. You only realized how much Lui loved being here with you when he suddenly interlocked your fingers with his own.

Free De La Hoya

On this hot summer day Free has brought you to the zoo with him . Free de la Hoya is interested in animals? Who would have guessed. Of course you weren't complaining. Actually you were very happy that Free actually planned a whole date with you and brought you here with him out of his comfort zone. The whole time you guys were at the zoo Free kept a strong hold on your hand and pulled you along to everywhere he went. "Look y/n , a Tiger" said the golden boy pointing at a tiger when you just smiled and followed along. After the date Free and you went back to BC sol hand in hand happy about you two's first date.

Fubuki Sumiye

Fubuki and your date went very classic. Fubuki turned out to be a complete gentleman throughout the whole date proving he was indeed trained by the Shu Kurenai. He asked you out on a movie date with him. He made sure to arrive before you to the theater. Then bought snacks for both of you for the movies even when you insisted on paying. While watching the movie of your choice Fubuki pretty much watched you more than the movie itself and of course he held your hand while the movie played on the big theater screen.

Suoh Genji

Yeah surprisingly it wasn't the park or a botanical garden. Suoh decided to be artistic and creative so he took you to an art museum. You two went around admiring various art works and you realized how vast Suoh's mind and knowledge was. The observant Suoh of course made sure you also enjoyed the date as much as he did. Suoh took you to have lunch at a very fancy restaurant and you enjoyed your delicious meal together while chatting about silly things.


Phi all on his own planned to give you a surprise date. So all day he planned the perfect stargazing date for you. He picked out the perfect spot on the peak of a mountain to stargaze with you. And finally at night he took you to the place. "Here we are my love" said the gentle and sweet voice of Phi. You then looked up and saw the beautiful view above you. Then noticed a mat was neatly placed on the ground with a basket full of snacks. Seeing that you turned to Phi with sparkling eyes "Phi you prepared all this for us?!" You excitedly asked him as he said "Only for you my love" and led you to the mat.

Andddd done!!! This was another very fun chapter to write. The different dates were inspired simply by their personalities. Hope you enjoyed!
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