How he comforts you

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Yayy another long chapter :D
Seriously do you guys prefer short chapters or long chapters?

This is another requested chapter,

Requested by - runielocity
                     ( Thanks for the request!!)

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Valt Aoi

You were sitting in your room all by yourself in a dark room when Valt walked in and saw you sitting in a corner. He rushed in beside you with a very worried expression " Y/n w-what happened? You okay?!". You were still not saying anything or even looking at Valt. So he put one of his hand on top of your shoulder and said " Whatever it is, you can share it with me n/n" . His kind words finally reached you and now you looked at him with a very sad expression. Valt now sit beside you and urges you to speak your heart out to him " C'mon you know you can tell me anything". He then just quietly sits beside you and listens to all your worries while occasionally replying to you. Eventually you felt better just by having him beside you.

Shu kurenai

You weren't coming to training for the past two days so Shu came to check up on you. Only to find you holed up in your room. Of course he was concerned and tried to make you talk to him. " Y/n, love talk to me... How long have you been like this? Have you even eaten anything at all?". You quietly sniff before holding onto Shu's sleeves and say " Shu I don't think anything is working out...I keep failing everything.. I feel so confused".
Shu's expression was visibly concerned as he spoke up "Y/n please tell me what happened? Any way I can help you?". Then you had a heart to heart talk with him. Finally when you were feeling a bit better Shu used your kitchen to make some warm Soup for you and made sure you were feeling all better.

Rantaro Kiyama

For whatever reason you have been acting very strange around everyone. Now you were quite good at putting up a facade so most of your friends didn't notice but of course you couldn't hide it from your boyfriend in the end. He noticed it and pulled you in private " Y/n, is anything the matter? You've been acting...not like yourself and I'm very worried about you n/n". You looked into his eyes and saw that his eyes were genuinely worried and that's when you broke down. Warm drops of tears started streaming down your face as your vision got blurry. Rantaro now panic and hold you by both your shoulders " Y-y/n.. what happened to you-" before he could finish his sentence you hugged him tightly And he hesitantly hugged you back to comfort you.

Daigo Kurogami

Daigo now stands in front your room's door and knocks a few times. "Please let me in Y/n, I don't know what's wrong but please let me be there for you" . You have shut yourself in your room and haven't even been talking to your parents properly. Eventually your boyfriend found out and here he came to check on you. Now you slightly opened the door for Daigo to walk inside and he sees your eyes are all red and puffy, from crying of course. He was shocked but stayed calm for your sake. He makes you sit beside him on your bed and asks " Y/n, what happened? Do you want to talk about it? I won't force you if you don't but I'll still stay by your side unless of course, you need some space to yourself"

Wakiya Murasaki

You are about to battle a boy. You both get into position and launch. Except.. your launch messed up and your bey hit the edge of the stadium and burst. Which is of obviously very different than usual and Wakiya took notice of it. "Oi Y/n-" without listening to him you went into a room and was about the shut the door when Wakiya held into the door frame and stopped it. But then he saw the exhausted look in your eyes. "Oi... Ya okay?" "Is anything wrong" before he knew it your eyes started to get teary and he panicked "Y/n say something? Is anything bothering you please tell me. C'mon on Y/n I'll help you fix it, I'll help you with anything. Y/n". Nah this guy was freaking out so you accidentally let out a small laugh and then you and Wakiya chatted everything out.

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