Finally the confession

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This one's going to be longgg

Valt Aoi
Third pov.
This cinnamon bun had no idea how to confess to you. Finally with the encouragement and help of honcho and rest of the beyclub he finally made up his mind! Only to miserably fail in every attempt the whole day..... He wanted to gift you a big beybread and ask you out but slipped and fell right in front of you and dropped the beybread...
He tried to talk with you after school and got tackled away by Shu's fangirls.
Poor thing.... After many other failed attempts he went to the river side in the evening to cool off. That's when you found him sitting on the grass facing the river. You went to him and sat beside him. "valt what are you doing here?" You asked him. "H-huh y/n! Oh I was just cooling off a bit ha-hahah" then you again asked him "you've been wanting to ask me something since this morning right?". He replied to you "uh..ahaha yeah but maybe tomorrow!" "Actually I also had something I've been wanting to tell you Valt" "oh yeah?" Valt urged you to continue "Well..valt I actually!! I like you valt!" Your confession instantly made the wonder boy blush with 50 shades of red as his eyes lit up "REALLY Y/N WILLYOUBEMYGIRLFRIEND" screamed Valt blasting your ears

Shu kurenai
Third Pov.
Shu, my man is the definition of perfect. This guy planned everything from the start to finish. He Checked the timing, thought about exactly what to tell you and when. He invited you to his house after school today and you agreed to go with him cause how can you say no to the guy you have a massive crush on? You then went to his house with him as planned. After you reached his house shu told you"Feel free to come in" and you went in and asked him "Wow shu how have a nice apartment, where are your parents?" He then replied to you "Oh they are not home often due to their work" the statement from shu made you slightly nervous about you two being alone in his house. You then waited for him in the living room as he offered to make you his signature Spaghetti Carbonara. After you two finished eating and went back to the living room, shu ran a show with a light music in the background. "Hey shu what show is this-" you were going to ask him something before you got cut off by Shu's hand being placed in top of yours "Listen y/n....I actually like you. You're pretty and a stronger blader. I have liked you ever since we met, will you go out with me?" You eyes widen and you flush and whisper "yes".. I mean how could you ever say no to that handsome face

Rantaro Kiyama

Third Pov.
This if finally the day Rantaro is going to confess to you. Rantaro much like Valt was very dense in romantic situations. And his best friend Valt wasn't much helpful in this sense either. Rantaro thought quite hard and came to the decision of just telling you all his feeling straight to your face. Of course he was scared of rejection. But he needed to tell you his feelings even more. Rantaro then asked you to meet him at his preferred place and you went to meet him there. Rantaro really arrived a whole hour early and waited for you. This guy was having a whole overthinking panic attack in his head when you finally came. "hi am I late?" You asked him and he replied with a stutter "oh n-no actually I- arrived too early" you listened to him and said "oh hope I didn't make you wait long, so what did you want to meet me for?"
'awww man i need to do this! Let's just go for it I need to get it off my chest' thought honcho as he closed his eyes and screamed to your face "I REALLY LIKE YOU WILL YOU GO OUT WITH ME I'LL BUY YOU 50 CANDIES"
Hearing this you were quite shocked but blushed it off and gave out a slight laugh before replying "ahaha I would go out with you even without those 50 candies, but hey I'll take you up on that offer~"
Rantaro's face was admittedly as red as tomatoes after hearing your reply.

Daigo Kurogami

Third Pov
Daigo has asked you to meet at the park today to hang out. You went to the park as planned and waited for him. A while later he arrived and you noticed he didn't bring shouta with him today. He approached you and greeted you with a "hi y/n" and you replied with "heyy what's up, you didn't bring shouta with you today?"
He then just quietly said "no.." and you asked him again "so why did you want to see me?" Daigo then took a few steps closer to you and grabbed one side of your shoulder to whisper into your ear "Will you be my girlfriend y/n?". Of course you were shocked but you hugged him quietly and shook your head while saying "yes, I'd love to Daigo!" Daigo was flushing red as he awkwardly returned your hug. Ever since then you two started dating.

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