Their favorite display of Affection

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Heya dear readers. I'm back with another chapter :)

This is a requested chapter, thank
you for the request!!

A new character has also been added so show him some love<3

more details at the end of the chapter. Do enjoy!!


Valt Aoi

Valt's favorite way to show you his love is to give you strong and tight hugs anywhere and everywhere. Literally. And once he would hug you he'd just hold you there in his arms for as long as he can. The feeling of having you in his arms safely means everything to him. That's also how he shows his happiness.

Shu Kurenai

Passionate kisses. Shu's favorite way of showing you his deep affection for you is through kisses. Actually Shu secretly love kissing you. Not that he would admit through his words but will show you by his actions. Over time you also realized just how much of a kiss addict this guy is as he would kiss you any chance he got when it's just the two of you.

Rantaro Kiyama

Rantaro is the type to leave soft kisses on your cheeks to show his love towards you. Rantaro really tries to be as gentle as he can with you and he is afraid of messing anything up. So whenever there is a happy occasion of some sort, Rantaro would leave soft kisses on your cheeks.

Daigo Kurogami

This guy despite his looks, Daigo has a very soft side to him and he often shows you his soft side. Whenever you two are on a date or even going anywhere, he loves holding your hand on the way. This his way of showing
you his soft side and that he cares!

Wakiya Murasaki

Other than spoiling you, Wakiya's love language is physical touch. So he shows you his affection through kissing or generally making out. This guy much like Shu loves making out with you whenever he can. He likes to kiss you every time he wins in a battle . (XD)

Lui Shirosagi

Forehead kisses. Who would have thought huh? Though Lui almost nevers displays any affection in front of other people but when it's just the two of you Lui is much more comfortable. Rarely when you and him have a moment together, Lui would gently press his soft lips against your forehead. You can really feel his care.

(Lol maybe he just also wants to prove that he's tall enough to kiss your forehead 😂)

Free De La Hoya

Haha. Cuddling. Yes of course this guy loves to cuddle you wherever and whenever. Like c'mon it's like having his two favorite things at the same time! That being you and sleep I mean. Free doesn't really care if anybody else is watching or not so he'd continue to cuddle you even if someone were to watch you guys. It's just his way of showing you his love.

Fubuki Sumiye

Fubuki loves to give you surprise back hugs. Taking you by surprise everytime, he wraps his built arms around your waist and rest his head on your shoulder. He just loves it you know? Though he would prefer not to display any affection in public but he would still hug you like this.

Suoh Genji

Kissing the back of your hand is the way Suoh displays his affection towards you. To be honest, Suoh doesn't mind doing it in front of people either. Sometimes to be romantic he would just gently take your hand and place soft kisses on the back of it, making you feel like a princess.


Kissing your lips. He loves placing soft, gentle kisses on your lips to display his love towards you. He'd gently place his fingers under your chin to make you tilt your head towards him and place soft kisses on your lips. Most of the time he'd do it in private, but I don't think he'd mind it in front of people either.


French kisses are Hyde's favorite way of showing affection. Though for you he wouldnt do this in front of others but he has no problem hugging and holding hands in public. Unlike his brother, Hyde is a wild kisser. Quite good admittedly and definitely uses it to his advantage.

Arthur Peregrine

Rough, sudden kisses are his way of showing you affection. He wouldn't ask you or prepare you, he would just suddenly push his lips against your and start kissing you. It took sometime, but you eventually understood this is his way and you weren't complaining as he's rarely affectionate anyway.

Delta Zakuro

At the first stages of your relationship, Delta wasn't very physical or affectionate. But since then he warmed up. Much like Shu he is also reserved and doesn't like showing much pda but recently he started sliding his arm around your waist from behind and you learnt this is how he loves showing you his love.


Andd done!! I hope y'all enjoyed reading this! I think I'll be doing a catch up chapter for the late coming characters sometime in the future, what do you all think?

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If you want me to write a specific scenario or want me to add more characters please let me know through comments or inbox me :)

This scenario was requested by-

Hyde was added on the request of-

[ Requests are open ]

- Sun sets<3

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