A little Jealousy?

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This is going to be the longest chapter yet, so enjoy you guys!

Two more new characters has been added.

Silas has been added by the request of- runielocity ( thanks for the request I hope you enjoy!)

Ken has been added by the request of- ShamipinkyR ( Thanks for the request I hope you like it! )

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                       ✿⁠ Valt Aoi ✿⁠ 

You and Valt with the entire beyclub were practicing together for the upcoming tournament. Of course you were training hard, you even thought of a new move. But you just couldn't perfect it!

Shu took notice of your struggle and came up to you, " Y/n, having trouble with anything?"
"Yes Shu, I just can't seem to get this move right!". Shu being himself, offered to help you out " here I think I know what to do, let me help you". You smile at his kindness and nod a yes to him.

Shu now stand behind you and take a hold of your dominant hand and tilt your left hand and launches while still having a grab on you. And voilà! Your bey launched perfectly to the stadium! While you were thanking Shu for his help you didn't notice a certain bluenette boyfriend of yours was watching you and Shu with painful eyes.

Valt didn't know what he was feeling honestly, it was a first for him. But at a fast pace went over to the two of you and wrapped his arms over your shoulders from behind you and wrapped you in a tight hug while giving Shu the cutest glare.

Of course you were surprised with his sudden actions, "V-valt what are you doing?! The other are-" before you could finish he cut of off by saying "Next time ask me to help you Y/n" while still glaring at his own best friend, Shu. Reading the room Shu clearly understood what was going on and he just left the two of you alone.

By now even you got it, " Valt~ are you jealous?~" ..."uhh ..what do you mean y/n. Of course n-not.. r-really". Yeah Valt wasn't convincing you as you just giggled at your boyfriend's cuteness.


                   Shu Kurenai

It's a warm sunny day and you were dressed in your pretty clothes standing in front of a movie theater.

Yes, you were on a date with your boyfriend Shu!

Shu just went to get tickets for the two of you while you were waiting for him to be back. Just then a brown haired fairly tall and tanned skinned guy approached you.

" H-hello miss". You stared at him for a moment before replying to him politely, " hey, how could I help you?" And gave him a polite smile.
The guy now visibly seemed nervous and you also noticed that his face and ears were going red. " I-i just think you're very beautiful miss!".

This completely caught you off and you were finally getting the hint of what this guy wanted for you, so of course you were going to turn him down " Thank you but I actually have a-" before you could finish, the guy took your hand and put his phone in your hand and almost screamed " Can I have your number!".

Just then a strong mascular hand grabbed the brown haired boy  by his arm and yanked him away from you. When you finally looked who it was, it was Shu. With an incredibly angry face with his eyes glaring daggers at the other boy. Shu's deep angry voice spoke up " That girl is with me, you should take a hint and go back right this instant". Without a second thought he ran away from you two.

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