His first impression of you

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Heya I'm back with another scenario for you guys!


-Scenario Description-

You were hanging out with your boyfriend. Then a question pop up in your head!
So you decided to ask your boyfriend,
" What did you think of me when we first met? "


Valt Aoi

"Ehh? My first thought of you Y/n? Well when I first battled you in that tournament we met I thought you were a super strong blader! You were also very pretty so I wanted to get to know you more. I couldn't understand my feelings towards you at first. So it took some time but I found out that I was in love with you y/n"

Shu Kurenai

" I noticed that you have been watching me for a long time so I was curious about you. You didn't seem to be a fangirl of mine either, you seemed to be a dedicated blader. So I thought to myself that why would such a pretty girl be looking at me? After that I couldn't stop thinking about you. Even after going home I thought about you all day. Eventually I found out that what I felt towards you was love"

Rantaro Kiyama

" You were the kindest girl I ever met! You had no reason to give me the candy but you still did any way ! I was convinced that you were an angel. You were so beautiful too! How could I not think that? After that I wanted to keep meeting you and fell for you"

Daigo Kurogami

"I couldn't believe the cat I was playing with for so many days had such a cute owner. Nevertheless I was very curious about you. For some reason I just wanted to know more about you y/n. My curiosity about you only grew as I caught myself falling for you"

Ken Midori

" I was so surprised at your kindness. I couldn't believe how kind you were being to a stranger like me even when I was even shy to properly speak to you. Naturally I felt drawn towards you. You accepted my shyness and cherished me. That's probably why I came to love you Y/n."

Wakiya Murasaki

" I saw that you were a strong blader so I instantly wanted to be friends with you and train together. You wanted to be friends too right? I was sure you would love to train together as well with all my expensive equipments. Naturally your personality drawn me towards you and I started liking you"

Lui Shirosagi

" Hmm I thought you were a strong blader. I liked that about you, I usually don't find blader worth battling so after you knocked out Longinus I was just as amused as I was  shocked. For that reason I wanted to meet you again and battle you. You really took my interest. Your fighting spirit attracted me. It took me some time but ater I realized that I loved you as a girl as well."

Free De La Hoya

" When you came to BC Sol for some reason I felt a strange connection towards you. Later I realized that unlike everyone you actually knew your bey. I saw hope in you, for BC Sol. And you proved me right. I liked your personality even more, you were always so cute. I found myself not being able to stop thinking about. So much, for the first time in my life I had a hard time falling a sleep cause I was lost in thoughts of you. That's when I realized, I was in love."

Silas Karlisle

" After you beat me in our first bey battle I took you as a rival and wanted to meet you again to defeat you. Later I realized you had more to you than a blader and thought hanging out with you could be good and turns out I was right. I genuinely had fun spending time with you and training together. Then I came to like you, as a girl.

Fubuki Sumie

Ever since I first saw you joining the beyclub I thought you were a really cute girl. After I got to know you through battling I realized you were also a dedicated blader. Which just made me like you even more and I eventually got a crush on you.

Suoh Genji

" I thought you were a really pretty girl and then I was proved that your personality is even prettier. I knew I was slowly falling in love with you, there was no denying it. Then slowly I realized that you felt the same way about me."


" I was fascinated by you at first sight. I just saw you and knew you were the one for me. That you were made for me. We were fated to meet. Ever since we met I wanted to make you mine. So I waited and waited for the perfect opportunity. And here we are today. Your soul is the most beautiful out of them all my love"


" When I first met you something sparked inside me. I didn't know what it was as I was not familiar with such a feeling. I wanted to be by your side. I wanted to protect you. Eventually slowly I realized I liked being with you, I liked you"

Arthur Peregrine

" Y/n, you left a strong impression on me. You never broke even when you lost to me. In fact you came back for revenge. I liked your determination and I knew I needed someone like you beside me. Then you grew to me as a person. Your strong personally made fall for you"

Delta Zakuro

" I thought you were silly like Drum, being his friend and all. Later I realized not only were you a strong blader but you were also passionate about blading. I tried hard to ignore my growing feelings for you but I simply couldn't stop myself from loving you "


Andd done!!

I hope you all liked this chapter!

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