When he catches you singing

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Heya another chapter for you lovies. The titles says it all, I won't hold you guys any longer so enjoy!!


Valt Aoi

You were at your living room singing along to your favorite song with the music on full volume when Valt walked in and heard you singing. After you were done he came in front of you and clapped his hands saying "you're such an amazing singer y/n" "heh you think so?" You ask him " uh huh let's sing the next song together y/n!". And then you two sang together.

Shu Kurenai

Shu just caught you humming to yourself and occasionally singing. As you were also busy cleaning your bey you did not notice Shu move right behind you. "Your voice is so sweet Y/n" Shu whispers to your ears as he hugs you from behind. "You heard all that?" You ask your boyfriend blushing slightly. "Hmm I did, and you were lovey. You should sing for me more" says the albino as he now rests his head on your shoulder and giggle in approval.

Rantaro Kiyama

Rantaro and you were just hanging out together when you started humming this lovey melody of your favorite song. Rantaro didn't say anything to not disturb you and quietly listened to your humming while sitting beside you as you leaned against him. It was a lovely afternoon for the two of you.

Daigo Kurogami

Daigo and you were at his house reading mangas. When you jump up from the bed and say "Daigo have you listened to this song yet?" He stares at you in confusion and asks "Which one?" . "Uhh I can't remember the name but it goes like this- And you don't seem to understand~". With that you sing a few more lines. After you were done " Yes I did, you have a really pretty voice y/n"

Wakiya Murasaki

Wakiya is spoiled needless to say. And now by you too. Here he now lays his head on your lap and looks up at you with a grin. "Y/n sing for me" demanded your blond haired boyfriend. "What. Why now?" "Come on just do it, I wanna fall asleep to your lovely voice y/n". You sign and smile as you couldn't deny his request and started singing this lovely song for him while running your fingers through his hair.

Lui Shirosagi

You were at Lui's house hanging out in his room. As Lui wasn't around you got bored. You then decided to turn on the tv and play your favorite songs. Now Lui just walks in on you singing and slightly dancing to your favorite song very cheerfully. And Lui....he was just stuck at the entrance of the room. He was starstruck at your beautiful voice. So he just stood there quietly listening to you sing.

Free de la Hoya

It was nearly the evening when you and Free were returning from your date. While walking by a lake side with your hand in Free's, you suddenly started singing sweetly. Free smiled at you and continued walking beside you as you sang. Before reaching BC Sol you were done. Free now takes your hand that he was holding to his lips and gently kisses it. " You have a beautiful voice deer " (no, it was intentional)

Fubuki Sumiye

It was at the evening. Fubuki and you were enjoying some quality time together with each of you having a cup of warm coffee. As you were having your coffee you'd once in a while hum a music which Fubuki noticed. He then put his hand on yours which was resting on the table and said " Y/n you should sing for me more, your voice is lovely."

Suoh Genji

You were in Suoh's garden waiting for him to come out. While you were waiting for him you started singing your favorite love song while gazing at some flowers. After you were done you turned around only to find Suoh smiling at you. "When did you come?" You asked him with a smile. "I didn't want to disturb your singing, it was as beautiful as cherry blossom on a spring day". "You big flirt..."


While walking in the hallway of Phi's house you suddenly heard a melodious music coming from one of the room so you went to check on it. It was Phi, playing the piano. And it was a tune you recognized, you knew the song! So without saying anything you went behind Phi and wrapped your arms over his shoulder and started singing the lyrics of the song he was playing. "You mesmerize me my love" said Phi after you two were done.


Andd done!

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Sun sets<3

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