Shu Kurenai x reader~ Marriage

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Heya guys, this is a one shot requested by Shukurenai143 . I know this is out of the ordinary but still enjoy :)
Haha this kinda makes me wonder if I should also write an one shots book XD ( btw NONE of the images used are mine, they belong to their rightful owners)


This was the day.
Shu, your boyfriend of years finally proposed to you a few months prior.
You still have clear memory of it. Of course you do.

Shu cleared his schedule just for you after weeks of being busy and finally took you on a date. "Be sure to wear your pretty clothes y/n, even though you look beautiful in anything" was the comment he made before picking you up for the date. Even though it was very out of character of Shu to say something like that, at the moment you didn't think much of it.

Then you arrived at the estimated date location. Shu has brought you to this very fancy restaurant. Your table seemed to be extraordinarily decorated with candlelight and rose  patels. "Wow Shu...this is amazing!"
You exclaimed your heartfelt amazement to Shu as he lightly chuckled at your cute reaction and said " Of course, Only for you y/n"

After sometime of chatting and flirting, you two were done having your delicious meal. Shu then paid the bills and you got up from the chair you sat on. Just that moment. Shu came in front of you and did the most unexpected thing. He now kneels on one knee right in front of you and holds your left hand while holding a beautiful ring in his other hand.

"Y/n, you're the love of my life. You have been with me and supported me even through the lowest point of my life. Even when I turned into red eye and pushed you away you never gave up on me. Now let me appreciate and love you for the rest of eternity. Will you marry me y/n?"

With eyes glistening with beautiful soft tears you smiled from ear to ear and nearly scream a breathless "Yes! Yes I will marry you Shu Kurenai!!"

Now, this is the day.
The day that you finally wed to the man of your dreams. The boy who you dated and grew up alongside.
This is the day you've been waiting for ever since you fell in love with the white haired blader.

Numerous memories of you two flood into your mind as you recall the best and most memorable ones. The day Shu had asked you to be his girlfriend. The day that he left for the raging bulls. How he never forgot you even when he turned into red eye. The amazing dates he had taken you to. Your first kiss and everything.

You now sit at a room just before you have to walk down the aisle

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You now sit at a room just before you have to walk down the aisle. You wear a beautiful white gown with amazing details. Your hair was neatly done and a long Vail was decorated on your head. You looked absolutely stunning.

*Knock knock*
Hearing a knock to the door you turn you head towards it and say "come in". Then Kirstina walks in and stand in front of you, " You look beautiful y/n! Shu wouldn't be able to take his eyes off of you!!". Kristina your best friend compliments you. While your stay at BC Sol, Kris and you had gotten very close and eventually became best friends. "Get ready you need to head out now, Shu is waiting for you" says the magenta haired girl cheerfully as she leads you towards the door. "Kris... I.. actually I'm very nervous. Will everything turn out alright? I won't mess up anything will I? Hearing your worries Kris gives you a smile of sympathy and reassures you by saying " Y/n my friend, it's alright. You'll do amazing! And besides Shu is there waiting for you. Come on, you know if anything ever were to occur, your perfect soon to be husband would take care of it". You smile at her remark and start walking out the door with her.

 You smile at her remark and start walking out the door with her

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This was the moment. There was no going back anymore and never that you ever wanted to.

You now slowly take nervous yet confident steps down the aisle of your wedding, holding the arm of your father as he leads you to your groom. To Shu. You could hear the beautiful melody of the piano.You then glance around and see so many people. Your closet friends, family and relative all have made it to the wedding. You can see Valt and the others giving you happy grins and cheering for you. You giggle at Rantaro barely keeping valt from jumping around in excitement, which slightly eased your nervousness.

Now at last you look right ahead of yourself. There he stands in his suit looking as handsome as ever. He was gently smiling at you and never looking a glance away from you. You could see his beautiful crimson eyes were full of untold emotions. Emotions only you could feel right now. You both stare into each other's eyes as if nothing else exists in the world except the two of you.

Here it is. The last step towards him. Now you have let go of your father's arm and stand right in front of Shu.

You two keep glancing at each other and finally now it is time. Time for you and him to take the vows that connects you till death.

" Do you, Shu Kurenai take, Y/n L/n as your lawfully wedded wife?"

- " Yes, I take Y/n L/n as my lawfully wedded wife and vow to love her till death do us apart"

" Do you, Y/n L/n take, Shu Kurenai as your lawfully wedded husband?"

-" Yes, I take Shu Kurenai as my lawfully wedded husband and promise to love him till my last breath"

" You may kiss the bride now "

Shu now takes a step forward towards you and stand right in front of your face. He passionately gazes into your beautiful e/c orbs and you gaze back with an equally affectionate stare. He smiles at you with outmost affection and you blush slightly and smile back at him. Shu now holds one of your hand and gently places his other hand at the small of your back.

He slowly leans in towards you and you feel yourself closing your eyes slightly...and it happens.. His smooth lips fall on top of your soft ones. You two passionately kiss each other. It felt like an eternity when it was just a moment.

~~<3~~~~<3~~~~<3~~~~<3~~~~<3~~WOW I have to admit

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WOW I have to admit. I think this is my best work yet. I loved writing this so much. My heart was skipping beats and I was getting the butterflies XD

If you guys liked my one shot and want me to make more then pls let me know by comments, then I might make an one shot book.

This one shot was requested by - Shukurenai143 ( hope you enjoyed)

( Also side note, this chapter might have part 2 in future)

Please don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT AND FOLLOW for more!! It really motivates me to write more chapters you guys :)

Sun sets <3  ( yeah that's what I decided to make my outro XD)

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