Meeting the parents

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Dear readers, some important notice-

Firstly this scenario was requested by Crimson_bladergirl !!(thank you for the request and I hope you enjoy it!)

Secondly I've have decided to add a few new characters! On the request of beyyblades !! ( Thanks for the requests! I hope you like it)


Valt Aoi

Valt showed up to your doorstep with a basket of freshly baked beybreads in his hands. Which not only seemed delicious but also smelled amazing. Valt had a massive nervous grin across his face. You could tell just how nervous he was and quietly smiled to yourself. Your mom who opened the door with you was impressed with his courtesy and liked him immediately. Even your dad seemed to have no complains about your cheery boyfriend.

Shu Kurenai

Shu came to your parent's house fully prepared. He dressed appropriately to the occasion and even bought bouquet of flowers! Your mom was very pleased with him. After welcoming him to the living room Shu sat and chatted with your dad. Shu is already a world famous blader and his character is so polite your parents didn't have a place for any complaint. Even your dad seemed to like Shu even though he was a bit protective over you usually. You really couldn't ask for more.

Rantao Kiyama

You have somehow convinced Rantaro to take off his jacket from his shoulders and wear it properly before introducing him to your parents. He even put away his sucker for the whole day. Amazing . To be real Rantaro was freaking out inside his head as he was scared your parents wouldn't like him. Turns out your parents had no problem with him, in fact they trusted you with him! He also got along very well with your father.

Daigo Kurogami

Your parents, specially your mom was a bit skeptical about Daigo at first glance. But after spending some time with him and hearing him talk about his little brother and other stories your parents eased up around him. And he gained their trust. Also Daigo was very polite and composed? Seeing how gently Daigo treats you, your parents came to really like him. Well you did have faith in him to pull it off.

Wakiya Murasaki

Wakiya went overboard with all the gifts he bought along with him. To be honest your parents were a bit overwhelmed with how much gifts he bought. You had warned him many times to not go overboard with anything but his excuse? " What do you mean I listened to you and bought way less stuff  than I initially planned!". Sigh.. But with how friendly and politely he handled your parents they soon came to love him!

Lui Shirosagi VERY surprisingly.. Lui behaved very well and politely in front of your parents. You were so shocked at first but also grateful that he gave your parents a good impression of him. You had no idea how else you were going to get your parent's approval of dating a literal Shark like him. Later you asked him "how did you manage that? Are you really Lui?". He laughed and answered you " They are the reason why I have you, that's why".

Free De La Hoya

You were thanking God that Free didn't appear to be sleeping or being lazy in front of your parents. In fact your dad was secretly a massive fan of the No. 1 blader of the world. Your father barely stopped himself from fanboying in front of Free. And Free's adorable smile won the heart of your mother. You guys then had light chats and talks on the dinner table while sharing a warm wholesome meal together. Free was giving you sweet glances from time to time.

Fubuki Sumiye

Being the polite and well behaved boy Fubuki is, he bought a box of chocolate as gift to you house when he came to meet your parents. He greeted your parents with a smile and a " Thank you for having me Mrs.(L/n) and Mr.(L/n)". Both of your parents were impressed by Fubuki's mature behavior for his age and happy to have him date their daughter.

Suoh Genji

He is Suoh Genji of course he-(😂) brought  a bouquet of your mother's favorite flowers with him when he came to meet your parents. Needless to say your mom loved the flowers and thanked him. With that he already brought your mother to his side and as for your father he also didn't have any complaints because of Suoh's very polite and mature behavior.

Phi Kuromi

Phi already gives the impression of a well matured and composed guy, now your parents didn't need to know his crazy sides- He impressed your parents with his princely and elegant attitude and actions. He made sure to compliment the food your parents prepared for him and even bought pastries for them. So obviously they loved him. Your mom whispered to your ear " Is he actually a prince or something?"

Arthur Peregrine

At first your parents were very wary of Arthur for his, well intimidating appearance and reputation. But you also somehow managed to make him act right in front of your parents and surprisingly he did behave well for you. Your parents then later became a bit more comfortable around him. Though your father was still a bit skeptical but he didn't disapprove of your decisions and trusted you.

Delta Zakuro

Your parents were concerned about Delta's cold demeanor at first, specially your mom. But later they were both very pleased with his calm and mature nature. During some chats and talks with Delta your parents realized that he sincerely cares about their daughter so in the end it all worked out with him and your parents wished you both well.


Andd donee!!! I hope you loved reading this chapter as much as I loved making it for you guys!<3

Do you guys want any new character to join our book?
Or maybe you wanna read a certain scenario?

If so! COMMENT OR INBOX me to let me know and I'll do em :)


Sun sets<3

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